Archives March 7, 2023

If you do not collect such data

In this article you will learn, among other things: how to analyze search engine data; what tools are worth using; how to apply good UX practices; why it is worth testing different solutions. Web analytics Search engine data analysis You can start the search engine analysis by looking at the data that comes from it. This stage itself can lead to interesting observations and discoveries. You can analyze the data stor in Google Analytics.  Then unfortunately you have to postpone this stage of analysis for a few months – information on how to set up GA website search reporting can be found here.

You can use the Search terms

You can find GA data about your search engine in the Behaviors reports section under Site Search.  report. Here you will find metrics relat to Site Usage and E-commerce, such as the total number of unique searches for a term, revenue and transactions relat to it, or the value of a single search . UX cycle – analysis of the search engine and its results The data collect in Analytics can be export and us in tools where it is easier to analyze them , such as Excel, Tableau or R language more about exporting data from Google Analytics in our article . You can analyze, for Latvia Phone Number List example: Top , most frequent search terms in the last – months – which ones are performing well e.g. relat transactions, conversion rateand which are bad? What could be the reason.

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Do searches include dimensions

Changes in search terms – have there been any new terms in recent months? Are search terms trends changing? Efficiency of similar terms – do synonyms produce different results? Does capitalization matter? How do passwords deal with typos? User language and search engine language. Date, etc Does your search engine return results for such queries. Frequent searches Bulk Lead with poor results – maybe users can’t find the product because it’s missing.

After performing these actions

As a rule, it is a logo in the × format and photos × if we create a horizontal video. And  if the creation is intend for mobile devices. Video Builder Source: director. youtubeu/ /videobuilder Google also allows you to choose colors so that our communication harmonizes with that carri out on a daily basis. In other channels. After selecting the color. Loading the logo and photos, we are left to choose the font and music from the library provid by Google.  Just click the “Create video” button and after several dozen seconds you will see a preview of our creation, which can be freely it and then upload to your YouTube account.

Example possibilities of

Google has identifi the problem of expensive and time-consuming creation of video creations for advertising campaigns, coming out with a solution adapt to companies from the SME sector. A creative agency, script and shooting location are no longer ne to start a YouTube ad.  Video Builder kfCrHw Would you like to run a video campaign but don’t Kuwait Phone Number List know how to go about it? Contact us and we will help you create a strategy and advise which formats are the most effective. contact Comments add comment Your e-mail address will not be publish.

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Do you want to start cooperation

Requir fields are mark comment name Email semahead entries. SEE ALL ENTRIES PREVIOUS ENTRY UX cycle – analysis. Of the search engine and its results NEXT ENTRY Lazy loading. Or how to spe up your website in an easy way?  with us? Fill out the Brief! Completing the brief will take you a few moments and will allow us. To better prepare for the conversation with you.Currently, a lot of attention is paid to ensuring good SEO. However, overshadow by search engines is perhaps the most overlook opportunity for website optimization – the internal search engine. In this Bulk Lead article that starts the UX cycle. You will learn what methods to use to use this potential.

After running the script screenshots

There are e.g. a Puppeteer script that allows you to test the implementation locally, however programming knowlge is requir. Of how a given Google page sees will be taken – then you can compare the screenshots with what both the user and Google should see. Another, easier option to check how the page is render using lazy loading, i.e. whether all images and content are display correctly in the eyes of Google, is to use Google Search Console – there is an option to check it. To sum up Without a doubt, page spe is one of the most important ranking factors.

Akamai check that for almost

The question arises – is it worth fighting for every millisecond? Definitely yes – it will not only have a positive impact on SEO, but also gain in the eyes of users. Half of the users more than seconds is too long to wait for a website response – let’s take care of our users and don’t let them wait . Contact us – and we’ll help you manage your SEO. contact Comments add Kenya Phone Number List comment Your e-mail address will not be publish. Requir fields are mark comment name Email Carolina Baran SEO Specialist Since , he has been helping Semahead’s clients to gain top positions in search engines. Morelinkinin baran-karolina entries.

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SEE ALL ENTRIES PREVIOUS ENTRY Video Builder – how to create a video for a YouTube campaign for free? NEXT ENTRY How to increase conversion from mailings? Learn the most important steps Do you want to start cooperation with us? Fill out the Brief! Completing the brief will take you a few moments and will allow us to better prepare for the conversation with you. The number of Internet users in Poland in April was. million, of which almost million Bulk Lead visit YouTube, consuming content on this platform for an average of nineteen minutes a day.

Goog Leweb fundamentals performance

However, Google does not leave websites without help. A tool call Google Page Spe ​​is able to generate a list of errors that cause the website to slow down. It also gives recommendations which, if implement, will spe up your site. One of the recommendations is the implementation of the so-call “Lazy Loading” mechanism. What is lazyloading? Lazy loading is most often in the form of a script that causes the part of the content that is not relevant at the moment to load only when it is ne , i.e. if the user “scrolls” to it. Example: Lazy loading Source: developers. Lazy-loading-guidance/images-and-video This mechanism usually occurs in tandem with images that are, for example, at the end of the page.

It is only when the user enters

There is no ne for them to load immiately, as this can significantly slow down the core elements of the page.  a given area that it is load. Let’s face it, the user often won’t even reach the gallery at the very bottom of the page, or the video below the fold, i.e. the content that we will see only after scrolling through the page – part of which cannot be seen immiately after loading the site. Therefore, it is not worth wasting time on them. By delaying their loading the so-call initial render, you can gain fractions of seconds, but they are very valuable, consideringthat a page Kazakhstan Phone Number List performs well if it takes around seconds to load.

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If you’ve seen blurry images

Thanks to this technique, the first page load will be much faster also for the Google robot. Lazy Loading and users Many people have certainly encounter, even unconsciously, the presence of lazy loading on the websites they browse. That take a while to come into focus, what seem to be just a picture turn out to be a video, or a loading sign appear at the end of the list of Bulk Lead articles and more articles appear – then this page is most likely lazy loading was us . What not to load slower? All logos on the page should load right away.

There is no silver bullet to increase

Regardless of the frequency of sending messages, the most important is the content of mailings. Make sure that each mailing is valuable for your users, and then they will certainly be more involv, which will positively affect your relations with them. Check the correctness of displaying mailings Before sending, check the correctness of displaying messages on different devices. Nowadays, a lot of users open emails on smartphones. According to the Gemius report, % of users make purchases using smartphones , so it is worth ensuring that mailings are display correctly on each device. Data analysis the conversion of mailings. It all depends on the industry and the preferences of your users.

What should be research to increase

Therefore the best method to increase conversions from sending newsletters is ongoing data analysis and testing . Analyze individual campaigns as well as global data for all activities. Don’t be afraid to experiment, so perform A/B tests , thanks to which you will be able to improve the appearance of your mailings, as well as examine which topics work best in your industry.  Conversion? User activity – analyze user activity on your website, check which days of the week and at what time they are most active. OR and CTR – basic data about how a given mailing convert. Do A B tests to get to know your users better and find out what makes them interest Jordan Phone Number List in your product service. Number of transactions after each mailing – check which mailing converts the most in terms of the number and value of transactions.

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If a significant amount of

Click map – check which places within the mailings were the most clickable. Most newsletter sending tools have this feature. Number of unsubscriptions from the database – analyze the number of unsubscriptions from the subscriber database, as well as the reasons for unsubscribing. Unsubscribe due to receiving e-mails too often, it may be worth thinking about rucing its number, or segmenting the base into active and less active customers and adjusting the Bulk Lead amount of mailings according to customer activity.

Frequently us practices such

Gifs can be a funny element of your newsletter, they can present an offer or campaign in an interesting way. How to increase conversion from mailings How to increase conversion from mailings How to increase conversion from mailings Another element that you can add to your newsletter can be clocks showing how much time is left until the end of the promotion. The scarcity rule says that things that are less readily available are more desirable, is often us to increase online sales.  As limiting the number of products. Time limit of a given promotion or social proof with an indication of the number of people interest in a given product service have a positive impact on purchasing decisions.

The footer with the sender’s details

How to increase conversion from mailings.  And the unsubscribe link. In accordance with the GDPR guidelines, each person who has subscrib to the newsletter has the right to unsubscribe remove personal data from your database. How to increase conversion from mailings Creation – what should a good converting email template look like? The creative Jamaica Phone Number List should be transparent and consistent with the image of your company. Remember that the first impression is important and it has an impact on the further path your potential client will take.

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The main purpose of the mailing

When designing your communication. You should take into account other channels in which you operate, so that the graphics in each channel are consistent with each other, as well as with the page or landing page to which you are rirect.  Message is to rirect the user to the landing page. Typically, mailings consist of graphics, text and a call to action. However, there are industries in which content only in the form of text will be much more suitable. CTA in the case of Bulk Lead mailings is a link that, when click, takes you to the target page.

The subject should encourage opening

What should you pay attention to? . Subject– is the main factor influencing the opening of mailings. Research shows that the shorter the topic, the better. Due to the fact that more and more users open e-mails on their phones, the number of characters should be adjust so that the topics on both desktop and mobile are properly visible. Currently, the most recommend is characters or words . The maximum number of characters a topic should contain is according to marketo research. Sticking to the topic that is includ in the mailing.

However remember that too

A good method to attract attention is personalization , giving, for example, the user’s name or, bas on archival visits or search terms, include content that a given user was interest in.Users like to feel distinguish! How to increase conversion from mailings Another way to stand out among other messages that are in your customers’ inbox is to use special characters or emoticons . Most marketing automation tools have a built-in database of emoticons that you can add to the theme.  Many special characters may increase the likelihood of your message ending up in spam. It is recommend to place special characters at the beginning or end of the topic , in case the character is Ivory Coast Phone Number List not load, it will not spoil the aesthetics of the topic.

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The number of users using mobile

How to increase conversion from mailings  Sender– another important element that should not be overlook. You can leave one name of the mailing account and use it to send permanent mailings or, as it is done by e.g. Mango, depending on the content of the mailing, change the name of the sender. How to increase conversion from mailings . Preheader – this is the first sentence that appears in mailboxes, it is display right after the subject. It completes the Bulk Lead theme.  Devices is constantly increasing, which is why the preheader is becoming more and more important.

Smart campaigns Square pin

Retail reporting When using the report, keep your branding, schuling, targeting, and different bidding strategies in mind. More information can be found in Google Support. Update of product specifications in Google Merchant Center If you run e-commerce, be sure to familiarize yourself with the changes that are already in force and prepare for those that will come into force from September . In the Google Merchant Center support you will find all the information you ne. Semahead CSS What’s New in Smart Campaigns Create Smart campaigns from the Google Ads mobile app.  On Google Maps for users with active Smart campaigns that are associat with a Google My Business profile – free option available until September.

In smart campaigns can be found

smart campaigns storage. googleapissupport-kms-prod SyU llXihptu a rnapgU EOjK UurpLt The ability to check the effectiveness of your ads directly on Google. smart campaigns Keyword topics – allows you to show your ads to potential customers whose searches are relat to a given topic. We also have the ability to modify or delete topic data to have more control over campaigns. smart campaigns More details about the news in Support. Finally, I refer you to a basic but useful guide for companies to help advertisers optimize their campaigns in the age of Indonesia Phone Number List COVID. Basic information. Collect in a very accessible and transparent. Way can be found here. contact Comments add comment Your e-mail address will not be publish.

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Learn the most important steps

Requir fields are mark comment name Email semahead entries SEE ALL ENTRIES PREVIOUS ENTRY How to increase conversion from mailings?  NEXT ENTRY Analytics Express / Do you want to start cooperation with us? Fill out the Brief! Completing the brief will take you a few moments and will allow us. To better prepare for the conversation with you. COMPLETE THE BRIEF Subscribe to the newsletter!No one nes convincing. That email marketing is Bulk Lead the most popular form of communication with the customer.

There have been many updates

UX Source: gandalf ux- contact Comments add comment Your e-mail address will not be publish. Requir fields are mark comment name Email Ewa Kańczuk entries SEE ALL ENTRIES PREVIOUS ENTRY PPC Express / NEXT ENTRY Social mia – does my company have to be everywhere? Do you want to start cooperation with us? Fill out the Brief! Completing the brief will take you a few moments and will allow us to better prepare for the conversation with you. What’s new in Google Ads?  And news over the last few years, so be sure to stay up to date with our PPC Express. In this article you will learn, among other things, about: new information about brick-and-mortar stores on Google, at the end of Gallery Ads, retail report, updating product specifications.

Therefore Google introduc Local Inventory

In Google Merchant Center Local Inventory Ads From March to April. There was a significant increase in interest in the delivery of products order online to stores or collection points. In this way, the recipients want to avoid extend delivery times.  Ads, which is an additional indication that allows you to post information about whether your product is available in a Iceland Phone Number List nearby store. This feature is in beta testing and can be us by users in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Swen, Switzerland, UK and USA who have complet the configuration of ” store pickup.

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This information will appear

To be able to use the beta version, please fill out this form. Local Inventory Ads Source: blog. google productsadslocal-inventory-ads-curbside-pickup. Additional information about the stationary store Staying in the subject of product ads. Another novelty is the ability to display additional information about the stationary. Store including product availability, location and description of possible order fulfillment delivery Bulk Lead or self-collection.  In all countries where the Purchases tab is available.

The profile should feature

According to the Open Mobi report entitl ” user in Poland”, ers buy clothes, sweets and drinks, cosmetics, games, books and newspapers on their own. If you operate in this industry and your target group are people born in the second half of the s or later – consider being present in this channel. allows you to post short videos combin with music.On the portal we will find the most challenges, dubbings, dance routines and pranks . If, as a brand, you can cooperate with a person who will run a company profile and fit into the rhythm, it is worth trying to enter the world of. Using the brand’s product or tik-toks referring to the brand’s activities.

The first is a network of trampoline

However if you do not want to set up a company account on , there are activities with influencers and advertising. One of the brands that have found a place for themselves on this portal is Hangar and Tymbark.  Parks and publishes various s using trampolines and other devices from inside the facility. Tymbark, in turn, gave its profile in the hands of youth Hungary Phone Number List influencers, publishing challenges and s that match the trends. Summary Direct interaction with customers, precise access to potential customers and gaining insights about recipients mean that there is a lot of potential in social mia.

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Choosing those portals where

If you are wondering whether your brand should operate on each of the channels. Then pay attention to the demographics of their users and the specificity of the channels. Your customers are locat and which give. The best opportunities to present your business will maximize. The chances of success of your marketing efforts. If your brand does not yet have a social mia account, it is more reasonable to choose. Channelsand relying on a solid strategy than Bulk Lead dispersing activities. Over several social mia channels and running them ad hoc.

According to Sotrender  the largest

Domain is being “here and now” and the short life of content, which is why it is valu to be up to date with what is happening in the world and thus on the portal.  Profiles in Poland are information profiles, athletes and politicians, which reflects the nature of this portal well. Having a presence on Twitter allows you to maintain relationships with journalists and other companies, as well as follow trends.  Will be suitable for brands, who can regularly tweet about content with the greatest potential, such as updates from company life, articles from the company blog or information about milestones from ongoing projects . L’Oréal Polska is not a profile of an athlete, politician or news website, but a cosmetics brand.

Pinterest is a channel that at first

Despite this, the publication of tweets relat to the functioning of the company, undertaken initiatives and the publication of other information relat to the brand’s activity allows you to become part of the nature of.  Pinterest almost like Instagram? Glance seems to be similar to Instagram. Here, too, photos play the main role, but the key is not so much sharing as organizing into thematic groups, the so-call. tables. When it comes to users, out of nearly million Poles, % are Honduras Phone Number List women . The largest group are users ag – . While Instagram is all about sharing your own photos and staying up to date with your friends’ photos, Pinterest is all about discovering and getting inspir.

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What content will be best to publish

For users on Pinterest, not only the visual aspects matter – they require tutorials, instructions or a more detail description of how they can use a given solution themselves.  On Pinterest? Instructions and tips, inspirational graphics and non-face photos. The activities of a travel agency showing interesting and nice destinations, a financial company presenting ways to manage the budget, a clothing company presenting outfits or a gym presenting sets of exercises may turn out to be a hit. Wings of Development is Bulk Lead Katarzyna Antonik-Heller’s brand that operates in the area of ​​personal development.

In addition we have a younger

Significant sales support and precise ad targeting options mean that many brands use Zuckerberg’s platform in their strategy. An example of a company that efficiently manages its Facebook profile is Prator – a brand that produces equipment for players. On the fanpage you will find engaging posts, video materials, cross-posting within your own mia, posts promoting given products or competitions. Prator Prator Prator Instagram: a place only for the beauty and fashion industry? Slightly different possibilities are offer by Instagram, where photos and videos play the first violin. Here, the disproportion between the sexes is greater, as women account for of users and men for.

The business profile of the company

Community here than in the case of Facebook, because it is made up of a larger percentage of people ag – and a much smaller percentage of people over . It is therefore worth considering entering Instagram if our products are mainly target at people ag – , because this is the strongest age group on the portal. Instagram napoleoncat User demographics aren’t everything.  And what we will present in the posts are of great importance. Instagram is “playing” with aesthetics . This platform Guatemala Phone Number List is best suit for companies that produce or sell clothing, cosmetics, interior design products or jewelry.

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For this reason such companies

Photos of meals prepar by a restaurant or make-up done by a make-up artist will also attract the attention of recipients. However, not all companies will find Instagram such a good place. For example, an accounting office, real estate agent or law firm will not be able to produce such encouraging content. Should focus their efforts on other channels, such as Linkin or Twitter. i DeeZee are one of the many profiles that are great on Instagram. Photos in a Bulk Lead similar style, presenting products in an attractive form on models in natural surroundings, maintaining aesthetics and interacting with users are largely Insta-friendly practices.