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How to prepare a content map for your Blog

What are Content Maps and what are they for ? Who is your buyer persona ? Do you know the 3 phases of a user’s purchasing process on the Internet? In this article, written by Carlo Farucci of InboundCycle, we are going to tell you everything you need to know about content maps. In this post, we propose to explain how a content map is configured to offer relevant information to each user according to their moment in the purchasing process. How to prepare And we are going to do it by focusing on a content marketing project such as a blog.

Once this work is done

We could add traffic acquisition and lead maturation processes, and then we would enter a more complete inbound marketing project . But here we will base ourselves company data on the first part: the creation of the content. To her! Nowadays there is a focus on personalization and everything is based on the user. And although the same person may need different types of content over time, the most common thing is that blogs focus on one type of content (usually the most informative or the most corporate), so they lose much of the traffic they could obtain and, therefore, potential clients.

How to prepare type

Of information you should have on your blog, it is important to work on a content map taking into account your buyer persona and their phase within the Bulk Lead purchasing process. Below we will detail these three variables, which you must work together. But we already told you that this customizable template will give you a hand to start shaping your content map. Use it! Establish who your buyer persona is One of the first things you should be clear about your project when generating content is your buyer persona. The buyer persona is, ultimately, your ideal client. 

Top3 of the 2016 Bitácoras Awards and not die

Are you going to participate in the 2016 Bitácoras Awards ? Would you like to be among the top 10 blogs in your category? Do you know how to get votes to reach the final? In this article I am going to explain in a simple way what you have to do to vote and get votes that take you to the top 3 of the 2016 blog awards. Top3 of the 12th edition of the Bitácoras Awards is here, so thousands of bloggers and blogs have started with their strategies to get the desired votes that lead them to be one of those selected for the final of the contest.

But getting votes

Is not an easy task and sometimes we lack ideas to achieve it. Therefore, today I will tell you about a series of techniques and tricks that you can use to increase the executive data chances of reaching the final of these awards and voting in the blog awards more quickly. There are many benefits of participating in this contest, I am going to tell you those that are the most important to me. 1 – Helps improve the visibility of your Personal Brand As in all awards or events, when you participate you are giving more visibility to your personal brand.

Imagine the reach that this event can give you, if you manage to finish in the top20 or top10. 2- You will improve your reputation as a blogger In this environment, as in many others, it is necessary to be surrounded by the best so that people value you as a professional in your sector.

Top3 of the ever wondered

Why all the “biggest” bloggers share their articles with each other. And yours never do? Even if you mention them! It is the same, it is what is called visibility Bulk Lead or reputation among bloggers. 3 – You will create and improve relationships with other. Professionals Being among the best will also make you one of. The best and that will lead you to meet many professionals, while you. Vote for each other or when the rankings come out and they see your blog. All people will want to know who you are and will talk to you to get to know you.

How to get Subscribers from Twitter without

Do you know what Twitter Cards are ? How to use them to get more subscribers through Twitter? In this post, we are going to explain how you can get more out of this great tool to achieve more conversions on your tweets and thereby increase the percentage of sales in your online project. Getting more subscribers is the goal of every blogger. More subscribers means more people who know your content, who download your eBooks and therefore, more people who are one step closer to buying your products.

In this article

Written by Juanmi Olivares , we are going to explain how to get subscribers from Twitter , without needing to have a Blog yes, if you read correctly, you do not need a executive email list blog to get the emails of your future clients. Do you want to know how? Well, keep reading! But, before getting into the action of how to get subscribers with Twitter Cards, we are going to quickly explain what they are and some benefits of using them. Keep in mind that not all Twitter accounts have “ Twitter Cards ” active. So yours may not have them either. If the “Creativities” button does not appear, you will have to continue with step 2.1. And if you can see said button, you can go to step 3.

Remember that your

Goal is to have the “Creativities” button active in order to create the famous “ Twitter Cards ”. What happens is that Twitter is not going to let you have access to them Bulk Lead until you configure a payment method. It is assumed that once you indicate a payment method for your Twitter campaigns, your. Intention will be to create paid campaigns but let’s see that we can activate the “ Twitter Cards ” without having to pay anything to Twitter. We go step by step, so that you understand everything well.

How to improve the speed of a WordPress website

Currently, and much more so since we use mobile devices, improving the speed of a web. Therefore, page is one of the objectives to achieve when. Optimizing it. Improving loading speed has many positive aspects, among which are the user. Experience (every extra second of loading can mean loss of sales) or. SEO positioning (Google penalizes slow websites). It is important that you also know that it is not good to BE OBSESSED with the speed of a web page . There are people who don’t sleep at night thinking about how to scratch. A thousandth of a second in the loading of their website to achieve. How to improve scores of 100 in Page Speed ​​Insights (Google’s measurement tool). Others brag on the Internet that their website has. A score of 100/100 (on mobile and desktop) and their. Website is a blank sheet of paper with black text on top and as bland as a sawdust sandwich.

How a slow loading speed affects a website

Let’s now see what you really need to take into account. In addition, Phases to design a website Index of contents How a slow loading speed affects a website. However, The 5 elements that most influence the speed of a WordPress website Factors to measure to improve the company data loading speed of a website: Google Core Web Vitals 2 tools to measure the speed of a website 1. Google Page Speed ​​Insights 2. GTmetrix Plugins that will help you optimize the loading speed of your WordPress website 7 recommendations to improve the loading speed of a WordPress website #1. Choose a good hosting provider #2. Use a light and clean WordPress theme #3. Do not abuse plugins and check their quality #4. Install a caching plugin in WordPress #5. Optimize and compress images on your website #6.

The 5 elements that most influence the speed of a WordPress website

In addition, Clean WordPress Spam and Database #7. Use a CDN Conclusion How a slow loading speed. Affects a website In the intro I already told you two. In addition, aspects that can be greatly affected by a slow loading speed. But there are more: It negatively affects web Bulk Lead positioning. The algorithms of search engines like Google take into account. The speed of your website to assign better or worse scores. If your website takes a while to load. Google will penalize you. It affects the mobile user How to improve experience (UX): mobile devices. Although they are increasingly faster, have less resources and power than a computer that is connected via WiFi or directly to the wired network. Elements that a website must load, such as. Images or JavaScript, will take longer to display on a mobile. It affects the conversion rate. 

How to create the legal texts of your website

Today I want to talk to you about one of the most forgotten and neglected aspects of a website: the How to create legal texts of your website and other legal aspects. We always focus on web design, copywriting , campaigns, etc. because it’s the most fun, but… the compliance part is the last thing How to we usually think about. The objective of any website is to get traffic and then convert them into leads (potential clients) and, definitely, into clients. I always say that a website that does not have well-marked and defined objectives will not give you results. But today I want to tell you what happens or can happen when you neglect legality on your website. That boring and complicated part that no one seems to notice, neither creators nor users.

What is legality on a website

That’s what you think, but the reality is different… I just want you to think of How to create something obvious so you understand why I’m telling you this. The obvious: success and visibility go hand in hand, and greater visibility means greater risk. The least obvious: your level of legal compliance or non-compliance is just as visible. And that makes your executive data website a place exposed to constant risk. Risk of complaints, lack of trust, reputation problems, risks of avoidable claims, among others. Let’s get to it! Phases to design a website Index of contents What is legality on a website What legal texts are mandatory on a website 1. Legal notice 2. Privacy policy 3. Cookies policy 4. Contract conditions Where you should place legal pages on your website.

What legal texts are mandatory on a website How to create

What dangers do you run for not complying with the law on your website? What to do to make your website legal. Test to check if your website Bulk Lead complies with the law How to make legal texts for your website (‘The total solution’) Conclusion. What is legality on a website When we talk about a website having to comply with the law, the idea of ​​“legal nonsense” comes to mind . Those legal texts that no one seems to read (I don’t read them, at least): cookie policies and privacy. Your contract conditions, the information clauses and the happy. Checkboxes that must be placed in the contact and subscription forms, etc. All these requirements exist to give guarantees to users, so that they know who they trust with their data , so that they know their rights when subscribing, browsing or purchasing on a website safely. 

Balance 2022 in ‘Refreshing Business’: the year I saw my business in danger

The end of another year is coming and, as is tradition, it is time to take stock of these 12 months and see how to face the new year 2023. Last year at this point I was telling you that it had been a strange year, because I had set myself some duties that in the end I did not complete as I wanted. Until then everything is relatively normal, because I know that I am not as Balance 2022 diligent as I should be. But this year has been something to take serious note of. In order to try as much as possible to prevent it from happening again. I can say, to be honest, that the second half. Of the year has been by far the worst half since Refrescando Negocios exists.

2022 Objectives Retrospective

He had hardly any income and family expenses continued to do their job. A truly worrying situation. After having passed a global pandemic, we could already see the horizonor not? The war in Ukraine, the Kit Digital effect, the rise in prices, inflation. And the fucking hell of it! The scenario sounds. apocalyptic, yes, but the truth is that all these executive email list elements work against business. Because people do not open their wallets so easily. From the summer until the month of November (in December I managed to regain my faith). The situation in my business was so negative, that. I even started planting seeds in case I had to close the blinds , with that I tell you everything. And I say seeds that include working for others, as I tell you.The year 2021 was a strange year in many ways, as I told you here .

Web traffic 2022 vs 2021 Balance 2022

We were gradually returning to normality after Covid and the business also gradually returned to more “normal” numbers in terms of visibility, after the explosion of traffic and customers in 2020 in full confinement. Knowing this, I set the following goals for 2022: Redesign my website to make Google horny again. Give a lot of effort to the blog. In fact I had created a very clear editorial calendar. Bet on the YouTube channel and try to upload a video Bulk Lead or two a week. Focus my content efforts on affiliation. Continue attracting web services clients to maintain my main source of income. Have more free time to enjoy mine. I have met several of those objectives, but others I have either not even started or they were left half done… Not to mention the economic problem that I have already told you about. Now let’s see the details… #1 Web traffic 2022 vs 2021 At the beginning of 2022, I managed to maintain the traffic of the second half of 2021, which was not good, to be honest. 

THIS is the structure of a squeeze page that converts

The long-awaited summer arrives. People on vacation, visiting destinations, getting tanned on the beach or the pool… In short, enjoying their free time and doing everything they can’t during the rest of the year. But, not everyone always benefits at this stage. And I’m not just referring to those who have to work more in the summer. Your business also suffers the consequences. This translates into fewer subscribers, fewer sales, and less conversion from your pages and ads in general. And, although it is completely normal, it is not the only possibility. You don’t have to watch your results go down, unable to do anything . In fact, there are a few tasks that you can take off your shoulders during this period to make the summer months even the most productive of the year.

Your sales funnel THIS is the structure

it is difficult to detect errors with the naked eye, since they can be found in everything from the lead magnet to the entire strategy and steps behind it. And now is a great time to measure your statistics to the millimeter . For example, if your company data ads aren’t converting much, you need to make adjustments or even invest in other platforms that might work better for you. You can also measure the registrations of new leads in your forms, and the conversions, both on the sales pages and on the squeeze pages or landing pages that you have. Review your lead magnet calmly. 

Solve problems or perform

You can take  This is the opportunity to redefine the entire issue of branding of your brand : the design of your website, your logo, the images, or even Bulk Lead further refine the profile of your ideal client . All the tasks (big or small) that you normally can’t do due to lack of time, have a place now, when customers are not thinking too much about buying. sell more Remember that branding is not just the logo , it is the entire image of your brand. Both what is seen and what is felt.

List of the best digital marketing blogs

Marketing blog of the Online Marketing agency where you will find content about SEO positioning, Content. Adword  Web Design and Social Networks. Alvaro Fontela Blog about WordPress and WPO , but also about other related topics such as CMS ( Jooml. Drupal , Prestashop , Magento , etc…) and about digital marketing seen from. The technical side and tools. 40 fever 40 fever is the Socialmood unit for digital marketing sufferers who are eager to learn Social Media. Branding Creativity… Don’t miss its contents! Ana Ivars On Ana’s blog . A digital marketing consultant. you will find the latest updates, news, online strategies and trends in the area. 

Marketing blogs consultant List of the best 

Social media, advertising and List of the best analytics blog. A blog that will help you with content to better manage your social networks. MipositioningWeb Blog by the great Rubén Alonso: Web positioning, Digital executive email list Marketing and Blogging . Everything you need to create a blog , about SEO and live from a blog without mincing words. MJ Cachón If you want to stay  up to date on SEO issues, on MJ Cachón’s blog you will find out about all the trends, news, tools and advice. technical side and tools. 40 fever 40 fever is the Socialmood unit for digital marketing sufferers who are eager to learn Social Media, Branding, Creativity… Don’t miss its contents! Ana Ivars On Ana’s blog, a digital marketing consultant, you will find the latest updates, news, online strategies and trends in the area.

Memberships products

If you are passionate about marketing like me, or have thought that next year you are going to start in this world, don’t List of the best miss this list of the best digital marketing blogs. In this list you will find the best Marketing blogs in Spanish, from Bulk Lead which I learn every day with their quality content and also those emerging blogs that contribute a lot. Of course this is not a closed list, you know that I love that you offer me ideas, new blogs that I don’t know technical side and tools. 40 fever 40 fever is the Socialmood unit for digital marketing sufferers who.

How to Fix Pname Com Facebook Orca Error 2019 on Android?

The best way to read hope. That fulfill the desires of both readers and bloggers. modern this This means that the user-friendly nature of these tools is. What makes them so popular. Photo by Baka Bardot I am the owner of Bloggy. This helps both parties develop each other’s knowledge. Furthermore, good stuff is easily shared, giving the respective authors due credit. At the same time, a feature of top blogging platforms is providing a platform. For readers and bloggers to discover and follow people with similar opinions, ideas, or life stories. 

 I launched a blogging app

For my readers and discovered talented bloggers. “I have full confidence in Geoffroy’s abilities and wish him all the best. In his new role as CEO of Ogury,” explained Thomas Pasquet, Chairman company data of the Ogury Board of Directors. are all unique and will work with owners to discover more efficient and effective ways to use existing resources to achieve better results. They will also encourage, motivate, and test business owners to achieve success, ultimately becoming the “unreasonable friend” who achieves goals or results. 

As I prepare to transition to Chairman

Our plan is to bring a capable COO into the company who will then become Bulk Lead Chief Executive Officer in due course official. . With a strong track record of organizational management and extensive experience in the ad technology space, Geoffroy is the perfect choice to take over the company, and I’m excited to see where he leads the company. “

Request biography and information about Alexander Graham Bell – Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. Graham was born on March 3, 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Graham Bull’s father was Alexander Melville and his mother was Eliza Grace. Mother was silent. Graham ranks third among the three brothers.

How to Setup And Activate The Roku Express?

These blogs come from the biggest names and coveted talents in the blogging world. What differentiates the top blogging platforms from others is that they allow readers to connect with relevant bloggers. This helps both parties develop each other’s knowledge. Furthermore, good stuff is easily shared, giving the respective authors due credit. At the same time, a feature of top blogging platforms is providing a platform. For readers and bloggers to discover and follow people with similar opinions, ideas, or life stories. 


Graham Bell demonstrated his invention at a scientific ceremony in the United States. Seeing this invention. All the scientists present were amazed. However, those days are executive data gone and we could have few excellent blogging platforms. That fulfill the desires of both readers and bloggers. modern this This means that the user-friendly nature of these tools is. What makes them so popular. Photo by Baka Bardot I am the owner of Bloggy. He founded the “Bell Telephone Company”, and under the leadership of this company. In addition to the telephone outside

Part One:

The Value of Industry Email Lists An industry email list is a resource that aggregates the email addresses of practitioners in a specific industry. These lists can provide businesses with Bulk Lead the following value: Precise targeting: Industry email lists allow businesses to target specific audiences with. This helps to increase the efficiency of marketing campaigns and reduce the waste of resources, because only people who are truly interested in the company’s products or services will receive emails. Networking and collaboration opportunities: through industry emails.

What is Reasons For Choosing Apple Authorized Service Provider?

Don’t worry it’s time to take it seriously.  Here are some ways to help and avoid some of the myths associated with blogging. One thing you need to remember though is that you need an internet connection. And a good one too (check internet) to keep your blogging game at the top of the pyramid. 

When people have confidence

They may tell them their problem and you can suggest your solution to them. If you really want to start an online business to earn passive income, then you can follow the steps step by step. Click here to learn more Blogs have been used to provide information about services and reach a executive email list wide audience. Blog or content strategies are not limited to adding articles to the blog section of your website. It has become a cross between an infographic, a newsletter, a promotional video and a case study. Additionally, it is crucial to distribute this content to increase exposure to increase traffic and create brand awareness. There are several steps required to implement a blog distribution strategy.

Decide on distribution frequency 

This is one of the difficult stages of distribution. Frequency of content is beneficial as it increases value across social media platforms. For example, deciding on a strategy for Bulk Lead premium content is crucial because premium content comes with a cost to be published on the platform. The quality of paid content is high compared to free content. One of the benefits of using premium content is that it is of the highest quality and uniqueness. Posting it frequently will increase business value. So, remember to create a distribution strategy for your blog or content to provide value to your existing content as well as new content.

Discover the best learning strategies

They are short videos lasting 3 minutes vertically, and that generally characterizes the. Therefore, entire platform. Among the options to operate in this application is TikTok Premium . This is a mod that has certain rules for its. Therefore, installation on mobile devices and PCs. In this sense, there is a special modification that allows you to install TikTok Premium. To do this you need to download an installation program from the Internet, which will make your work easier.


What are the strategies of learning

However, it is worth. Therefore, informing that when talking about TikTok company data Premium the reference may remind you of Pro, but that is not the case. We are talking about a. Therefore, modified unofficial version that has become known as TikTok Premium . This offers you additional features such as more music, effects, and other profile settings. But to install it you need an APK file and the deletion of the official account.


What are the strategies of learning

An APK is an extension that most of the mods on the platform have. This means that they are designed to be installed in Bulk Lead a mobile app. If you would like to. Therefore, install it on a computer you need emulator programs with special. Therefore, features. This is an Android device screen simulator software that has the capabilities to use the apps in the desktop version.