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Conversion optimization is relat to SEO and web analytics, User Experience (UX) and SXO, so it is worth taking these aspects into account during the analysis. We will look at the elements important from the perspective of web analytics and User Experience. Below you will find tips to increase the conversion rate on your website. Ecommerce By implementing Google Analytics, you can configure a basic e-commerce module that will allow you to measure data such as:  Product price Ecommerce Conversion Rate Thanks to them, you will find out which products sell best, what is the revenue from a given transaction and how much time and sessions it takes a customer to make a purchase.

Thanks to it you can check where

However, we recommend implementing an extend module, the biggest advantage of which is the shopping behavior report of your customers.  On the shopping path users may have the biggest problem with making a purchase. E-commerce – example In the picture above, we can see that only . % of all sessions end with a transaction. Nearly % of sessions with a full cart end in abandonment. The reason for this situation may be the ne to register, the inability to Kuwait Phone Number List choose the payment method, livery, or the website is not adapt to the mobile version. Analyze what the purchasing process looks like on your website.

Phone Number List

It is also worth taking remarketing

It must be transparent so that the customer can easily enter their data. It is also important that you display all the information about the orr in one place. Another way to ruce the number of abandon carts is Facebook campaigns aim at recipients who add a product to the cart but did not buy it, and  mailing, i.e. sending e-mails to users who left the website without buying the product.  Care of the Bulk Lead appropriate graphic sign of your website, which will be in line with good UX practices.

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