This feature is enabl by default

This feature is enabl by default

Then enter your site name. When creating an Internet data stream, you have the option to enable or disable the Advanc Measurement option. And automatically tracks page views, scrolls, clicks on outbound links, site searches, video interactions, and file downloads. You can decide which events you want to disable. To do this, click the gear icon in the Advanc Measurement section , and then select the events you are interest in. When you’ve set everything up, click the Create Stream button. The Internet data stream details screen will be display , where you will find the measurement.

If you want to track page views

The tracking code, which you will have to enter in the next configuration steps using Google Tag Manager. Installing Google Analytics via GTM Now that you have your Tracking ID, it’s time to add the Google Analytics tag in Google Tag Manager. To do this, go to your GTM account and create a new tag by selecting Tags and then: New > Tag configuration > Google Analytics: GA configuration. Paste the measurement ID from Google Analytics into the ID field in Ecuador Phone Number List Google Tag Manager. Automatically, leave the Send page view event after loading this configuration box check. Select Page View as the rule.

Phone Number List

The result of a properly working

Checking the GA tag in the GTM preview mode As a good practice, after configuring each tag, we recommend checking if it is call correctly. To do this, select the Preview button in the upper right corner of the screen. The new GA tag should appear in it. Configuration tag is the appearance of the GA identifier on the top bar (G-…). After clicking, you can track the types of events sent to Google Analytics. The screenshot shows that the creat tag sends the pageview event as Bulk Lead intend. After configuring the events, you should test them.

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