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When we create such a list Nevertheless, it is worth making a list of phrases semantically relat to a given topic, which will allow you to create a complete material that will answer all your questions. These phrases work best when creating long content.  of longer content require the use of LSI. When we create a list like this: – we can include them in the title tag; – in H , H ; – simply in the text; – in the alt attribute on graphics; Summary: LSI Even if LSI does not exist, phrases semantically relat to the topic of articles will always be useful. Thanks to this, the articles will be more interesting and interesting, and this will undoubtly increase the bounce rate time.

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LSI affects the position of the main phrase, even if LSI is not the correct nomenclature of the Google technology. Make sure that the phrases you use make sense and that they are us logically and methodically. It is worth remembering that relat phrases are about giving the user more value. This is to help readers, so the priority should be to write an interesting article, not whether the LSI phrase has been repeat several times. Nevertheless, it is worth Turkey Mobile Number List including LSI in your SEO strategy. Two topic questions! add comment Your e-mail address will not be publish. Requir fields are mark Comment name Email Carolina Baran.

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