Before starting cooperation it

Is a good practice worth cultivating. Responsiveness – it is also a good practice to wait for a response and a question ask to the supervisor not more than hours. If you have to wait more than – working days for an Account’s response, it may mean that the number of projects it handles is too large or it disregards your business due to the lower value of the marketing budget compar to other clients. Is worth specifying the tails of communication (availability, communication tools). The responsiveness of the supervisor often also pends on the responsiveness of the client, and building good relationships is mutual.

In the case of e-commerce the agency’s

Verification of results – always bas on clearly and jointly agre KPIs. Settlement metric can be the amount of revenue, the appropriate level of ROAS or the number of transactions ma from the advertising channel in Google Analytics. It is important to fine what metrics we look at when assessing cooperation. In the case of B B/B C cooperation, it will be very important to fine key conversions and micro-conversions, e.g. the number of leads obtain (along with finitions of goals in Ireland Phone Number List Google Analytics). Joint setting of goals for monitoring and reporting – usually the agency imposes the reporting standard.

Phone Number List

Their downsi however is their

That doesn’t mean it’s a bad practice. Rather, it results from the practical aspect of such an approach. Not every customer cis on personaliz reports, and not everyone knows what metrics they want or should analyze. Standard report templates may be a good solution at the beginning of cooperation, when the client does not yet have experience with working with an external entity.  Generality and the fact that they may not contain precisely match data. The solution will be to create a dicat report with precisely fin metrics important for the client. Overview – Reports should be expect from each agency that not only show absolute results, but also present extensive Bulk Lead comments written – importantly – in unrstandable language.

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