High-Converting cont

The sensors on the user’s fingers can now automatically carry out commands by interpreting the shape created by the user’s fingers thanks to the artificial intelligence technology in the .

 shapes a rectangle with their fingers, the system will immediately register the image in the direction of the finger. By doing this, you won’t need to bring a separate camera to take pictures.

For example, if the user

The ability to detect hand movements is one of the most interesting uses of Sixth Sense technology.

The system phone lists consists of sensors that are colored by the images and mounted on the fingers. The projection can be dynamic and responsive to touch thanks to these colored markers.

This means we can communicate with the projected image and give it commands.

Newspapers can also

An eye-level camera is part of The Sixth Sense artificial intelligence Bulk Lead system. The user reads information into the camera, which is then captured and stored in memory.

 use this idea. If the user has a video related to that news article saved in their memory, it will instantly display the video on the newspaper for the user to watch while they are reading the headline.

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