With tons of different apps and thousands

With tons of different apps and thousands

 With tons of different apps and thousands of screen sizes out there .  You can never be too careful. Relevant to this point: don’t miss our guide to dark mode in email.One email sent .  Three angry companiesTiffani davidson handles lifecycle marketing at thimble. She’s also the co-admin for email geeks. So .  Neless to say .  Her email marketing crentials are well establish. And with loads of experience .  She has some good stories to tell.Back when she was working on the email team at academy sports + outdoors .  She manag to anger three massive companies .  All with one email send.

We’ll leave brand names out of this one

We’ll leave brand names out of this one .  But tiffani was sending europe email list out an email promoting a sale for academy sports and athletic company a. But .  She accidentally put the name of their competitor .  Athletic company b .  In the subject line instead.That leaves academy sports .  Athletic company a .  And athletic company b all equally angry.A testing blunder Grace is an email marketer turn copywriter. Why? Well .  In her words .  “I couldn’t afford the therapy I’d ne to manage the stress.” One time .  She was working with a junior designer to create a new email template .  And she ask the designer to send her a test. But .  She didn’t think to double-check and make sure that the designer understood how to send a test email.

Instead of receiving a test

Instead of receiving a test of the template .  The designer accidentally sent out a broken email to their entire list. Of 800k people. insert crying emojiThis feels like a good time to mention our support doc on how to test your emails. You’re welcome. Wrap up Email marketing is not for the faint of heart .  People. Even the Bulk Lead most season email marketers still get send anxiety .  Send-button shakiness .  Or whatever you want to call it. But .  At least you know you’re not alone.

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