While I’d love to say I caught

While I’d love to say I caught

While I’d love to say I caught all those typos .  I left one in an email .  And 200k+ subscribers got to read as I talk about t-sh*ts.This feels like a good time to plug grammarly for all yourspell-checking Cut-off catastrophe Our own in-house email marketing manager .  Has more thanfive years of email experience. But not even that much time in email makes you immune to mistakes. Lizzie’s horror story involves a truncat subject line and some really bad luck.In a previous role .  Lizzie was the email marketing manager for one of the top senior living companies in the business. Occasionally they’d host events for the local communities where they’d send an email invite to residents and other interest leads in the area. This event in particular was for a conversation-starting cocktail night .  Where potential residents could come tour the community and meet some of the residents while enjoying craft cocktails. 

The subject line for the email

The subject line for the email was “celebrate the long weekend with cocktails and conversation.” pretty harmless .  Right?The email was test .  Proof .  And sent on its way. But throughout the day .  Lizzie notic the email asia email list was getting a lot of responses.Starting to sweat .  She check and saw replies like “so inappropriate.” “wow .  So unprofessional.” “looks like someone didn’t check their subject line cut-off!”Finally .  She found a response that includ a screenshot of the subject line as it display in their inbox. There .  In all its glory .  Was “celebrate the long weekend with  The email went out to less than 100 subscribers .  So the damage wasn’t too bad. Moral of the story: send a test email and make sure you check the subject line across all device types.

Bluetent experiences huge wins in the hospitality space

Justin is an email marketer and campaign monitor alum with over six years of email experience. But the thing about Bulk Lead email marketing is .  Technology is always changing. And no matter your experience level .  There’s always something new to keep an eye out for. While  justin builds tests for every email he sends .  He once forgot to test a campaign for dark mode compatibility. After the email was sent .  He realiz parts of his email were completely unreadable in gmail’s dark mode.

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