Validate the product idea


Until someone buys your product or service, you can only rely on assumptions. Market research , surveys, and feedback from your friends and family can point you in the right direction, but your product won’t be truly validated until customers pay for it. So the best way to validate your product is to make sales.


There are, however, several ways to validate your budding ideas during the development phase. Most aspiring entrepreneurs focus on one key action: purchase engagement. Get early customers to engage in some way, to prove that your product is of real interest to buyers (and that they’re not just telling you they’re interested to please you).


Remember this advice, so simple and middle east mobile number list obvious that it is unfortunately often ignored: make sure you sell what consumers want to buy.


Here are some ways to test the market before you jump in.

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Set up an online store to accept pre-orders Imagine being able to validate your product before you even develop it. With pre-orders, you can. In recent years, customers have become accustomed to paying in advance for a product that they will receive later. Describe and sell what you are developing, deliver on your promises, and cast your nets before stocking up.

Start a crowdfunding campaign . Crowdfunding is not the cure for all financial problems, but it is still the most advantageous way to get funds from the best possible source: customers. Kickstarter is one of the most well-known platforms, but it is not the only one available on the market. If your product does not fit the categories offered by Kickstarter, you can launch crowdfunding campaigns on other crowdfunding platforms such as KissKissBankBank, Indiegogo, Ulule or Tudigo.

Sell ​​products in person. For some products

Like crafts, local fairs and markets are  breakdown of small business expenses in the first year great for testing a product: create a first batch of products and sell them in person to customers.

Create a panel of consumers who are representative of your “ persona ”. These people can be friends of friends. Offer them your product and ask them to give you their feedback as a user. The fact that these people are not too close to you is an asset. They azb directory will be more likely to respond honestly to your request for feedback. 

Partner with a physical store or e-commerce that agrees to offer your. Product for sale for a set period of time. This way, you will have direct feedback on sales made, but also on customer feedback.

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