Then we get access to reports

If you want the reports to refresh automatically, just use the “Schule reports” function that allows you to schule them. Google Sheets Add-Ons That Will Improve Your SEO Specialist’s Work Web analytics RankTank RankTank is a useful extension that allows you to check the position of key phrases at the Google Sheets level. RankTank configuration is quick and uncomplicat – just enter the domain, language and vice type, i.e. mobile or sktop. The next step is to add a list of phrases whose positions we want to know. After a quick scan, we get results for the check domain, as well as competition results – sites occupying a place on the SERP page directly before and after our domain, as well as the result with the first position.

However the number of free scans

In addition, RankTank shows the title and meta scription tags of the URL to which the check phrase is display. Importantly, as you can read in the scription of the add-on, RankTank returns real-time search results. We can perform is limit – you can check phrases per month. Google Sheets Add-Ons That Will Improve Your SEO Specialist’s Work SEOmonitor SEOmonitor is an extension that allows you to import data from the SEO platform of the same name to Malaysia Mobile Number List spreadsheets. After opening the add-on panel, just enter the API key from the account previously creat in the SEOmonitor platform.

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The results are present in

On the visibility of the monitor website, its organic traffic or competitor results. The add-on allows you to set select time ranges, as well as analyze keywords from different angles – for example, taking into account only brand phrases or words outsi the TOP. The form of ready-to-export reports. Google Sheets Add-Ons That Will Improve Your SEO Specialist’s Work Senuta Integration with Bulk Lead Google sheets is also possible with the Senuto platform.

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