The company is known for its cheap

Your digital marketing is underperforming Get free actionable marketing advice Request a review and our award-winning team will send you a 1 minute website and marketing video review. Request Free Website Review and Rating History of is an online fast fashion retailer found in . Clothing and other items like technology or home goods. Headquarter in China but ships to countries. As of 2010, it is the world’s largest fashion retailer. After completing a financing of 100 million US dollars in 2019, it focus on selling wding dresses, and also operat some women’s clothing, similar to a drop shipping company.

The company also acquir another

Start a social mia marketing campaign with a fashion blogger in 2009. Launch giveaways and advertis products on and . Chang strategy in 2010 and began acquiring their own supply. Chain systems, transforming them from a drop. Shipping model to a fully integrat retailer.  Chinese e-commerce retailer. Let’s dive into the digital marketing strategy. To see what sets this apparel brand apart from other fast fashion retailers. Of websites and apps have both websites and apps. They seem to be trying to entice desktop visitors. To use the app with discounts offer to app users. This strategy work. Well as the app was the second most South Korea Phone Numbers List download shopping. app in the world in 2019 and became. The most download app in the US in March 2019. High app downloads don’t mean low website traffic. Gets an estimat 10 million visitors per month via organic search worldwide. Estimat Global Site.

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Discount popup on the website

Traffic Popups This seems like an odd place to start. Aren’t popups universally dead if they’re done right and provide. Value to the visitor, no. Once you log into. The website you will immiately see multiple discount coupons. That you can collect and use in your order by clicking on. This immiately positions them as an off-price fashion retailer but also gives. The impression that they are cheap because of the vouchers rather than the products themselves.  When Bulk Lead you close the first popup if you are register on the website you will see another. Popup with more discounts. This is very smart as it gets the visitor to the email list immiately.

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