SAIO & AI: is SEO in danger?

AI chatbots could in the future constitute traffic acquisition channels. Benefiting from good visibility on these will therefore be a major concern, to which SAIO (Search Artificial Intelligence Optimization) responds.

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SAIO Definition: What does it mean?

SAIO is an acronym that phone number library stands for “  Search Artificial Intelligence Optimization  ”. It is a brand new concept invented by François Tréca . It involves optimizing the responses provided by Chatbots and Artificial Intelligences (AI) in order to influence Internet users’ decisions .

According to some specialists, SAIO could replace SEO in the coming years on ONE CONDITION  : that AI Chatbots become the main solution for searching for information. In other words, if the population does not adopt this new way of searching for information, it is not of much use.

As a reminder, François Tréca is a developer and SEO expert, specializing in monitoring and creating PBNs.

phone number library

Bing & Skype & SAIO: a reminder of the facts!

March 2023, Skype integrated Bing ChatBot into its features.

You can ask him any questions like:

  • “How old is the earth?”
  • “How to succeed in your commercial prospecting?”
  • “How to write a quality text?”
  • “What are the best web writing agencies in Madagascar?”




The Bing chatbot on Skype then funktioniert und warum sie es haben sollten  responds to you by writing a text. The user does not need to go to Google to perform a search since the answer is already provided in the conversation.

If Internet users start to massively use ChatBots operating under artificial intelligence , it will be necessary to ensure that our products and services are visible in the responses provided by AI. Hence the interest of SAIO which consists of optimizing the responses generated by the chatbot to the advantage of our company .

When Bing’s chatbot gives an bz lists answer, it underlines at the bottom of the text the URL (or URLs) that served as the source.

In his blog, François Tréca has carried out several tests to check whether we could “  tamper  ” with the answers provided by AI to our advantage. You can consult them in these 2 articles ( here and there ).

Unsurprisingly, the answer is YES (which may raise ethical questions).


Bing/Skype/SAIO: FAQ!

1) So this is some kind of Google position 0?

Indeed, we can compare the answer provided by the chatbot to Google’s position 0. However, Bing goes a little further than Google: if Google only displays 3 lines that it copies from a site, Bing merges several sources and summarizes an answer of 7 to more than 10 lines .

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