How and Why to Choose Quality Web Hosting

Having your own cyberspace for businesses is no longer a whim, but an objective necessity. After all, the success of your business depends on your presence on the Internet. Imagine that on Black Friday, when 100 clients come to you per hour, your site suddenly breaks down for several hours. Unpleasant, right? How to prevent such problems and why hosting is an important part of business infrastructure – below. We will tell you how important it is to choose a hosting that meets business needs, explain what criteria to consider when analyzing the market, and also give examples of popular hostings.
November 15, 2022

What is web hosting?

Let’s say all your website data is on a flash drive. The server is the computer you plug the flash drive into so you can use the data. And the hosting is library shop the house the computer is in, providing the power and connection so the computer can work.

Web hosting  is a service that allows you to publish your website on the Internet, making it visible to everyone.

The provider you choose will determine whether your site works properly or with problems, continuously or with pauses.

Why is it important to buy quality hosting?

library shop

Just as the quality of your home affects your life, the quality of your website affects your business. It is possible to buy cheap hosting, but the higher the quality of service you want, the higher the cost of hosting will be.

Stopping the site for a few hours means a damaged reputation, lost customers, and as a result, losses. Therefore, you should approach the choice responsibly. Be sure to determine the needs of the business and buy hosting that will meet them.

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How to Move a Website from HTTP to HTTPS
July 8, 2021
7 min.

What to look for when choosing a provider?

Speed. Users hate waiting!

According to oogle: If a site takes longer
than three seconds to load, 53% of users will leave it.

A slow website is a do not use it as perfect guide  that will send your customers elsewhere. So, to improve your SEO ranking, not lose customers and increase your income, pay attention to the speed that your hosting offers you.

The largest block of your site should load in 2.5 seconds, the mobile version – in 3 seconds. Therefore, 2-3 seconds of site loading is a normal speed.

Data security

Choose a provider that offers a data backup system. This way, even if some unpredictable problems occur, your site will still be online and fully functional.

Customer support

The hosting provider should not only ensure the operation of the site, but also effectively help you if necessary. The quality of support will affect the speed of resolving the crisis situation.

Customers hate waiting, remember?

Check reviews of the company’s support system and what communication channels it offers you.

SSL Certificates

Google cares about website security, pay attention to usa bu this, especially if your site will collect personal data or credit card information. SSL is a certificate that encrypts data. If the URL has “https”, then it is used. Take care of this right away to save yourself unnecessary trouble in the future.

Types of web hosting

Depending on what function the site will perform for your business, you need to choose the type of hosting. Let’s look at the three most popular ones.

Virtual hosting

It is the cheapest and most popular. You will have a place on the same server as other sites.


  • Affordable hosting price – $10–$80 per year.
  • It has an intuitive, simple control panel.
  • All technical issues are handled by the hosting provider.


  • Few resources. Usually the client gets several gigabytes of memory to host the site and several percent of computing power. This will be enough for a business card site, but a large online store will require much more space.
  • Share space with others. For example, if the load on one of the neighboring sites increases, then the work of the entire server slows down, and therefore your site too.

Who is it best for:

  • Simple sites
  • Personal blogs
  • Small businesses that expect no more than 20,000 visits per month.

Virtual Dedicated Server (VPS/VDS)

With VPS hosting, you still use the same server as others, but you will have dedicated space separate from other websites.

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