Once you have your content designed and your landing page up and running, you can kick off your lead generation campaign.
Because it works like this: to get leads you need downloads, to get downloads you need traffic to your landing page, and to get qualified traffic you need an action plan.
If you have optimized your Landing Page for SEO you can receive organic traffic without doing anything else.
But this will not be enough because it will not happen overnight. In addition, organic positioning of this type of pages is not usually easy. Consider that, compared to other types of content, an offer landing page does not usually contain as much rich content, nor SEO keyword density .
Promote your downloadable content
Conclusion: if you don’t prepare a content promotion campaign, you’ll be missing out on a great opportunity to receive traffic and capture leads in the short term.
By amplifying the reach of your piece, you will also have a greater chance of other people discovering and sharing it on social media . And that will eventually increase the potential phone number library of getting backlinks to your landing page, resulting in better SEO rankings.
As a finishing touch to your lead generation campaign, think about what specific actions you could take to promote your downloadable content. Here are a couple of ideas:
Social media promotion, especially when combined with advertising identifying and overcoming common campaigns —such as Facebook or Linkedin Ads— works very well to stimulate lead generation with this type of content.
Another relatively easy and quick option
would be to include featured banners with calls to action at key points on your website or pop-ups on your blog.
Try to include the link to the landing page on all other websites those pages that deal with the same or a similar topic. This way you will be promoting internal linking and you will also have the opportunity for the traffic that reaches those pages to end up on the jiangsu mobile phone number list landing page of the offer.
or write guest posts related to the topic of your downloadable content.
But because of their greater impact and because they are great ways to create synergies, I would like to talk to you in more detail about two specific tactics: promotion through email marketing and promotion on your own blog.