Despite the dominance of schools, colleges and universities in education, what are its advantages it is difficult to overestimate the importance of self-education for personal development and broadening one’s horizons. Without develop self-learning abilities .It is impossible to acquire sought-after skills. In today’s article, we will tell you what self-education is, how to organize this process and which famous personalities chose self-education for their development.
What is self-education?
Self-education is education in which knowledge . skills and abilities are acquire independently, without the help of teaching persons. Self-education overseas data is also call a continuous process of personal development. One of the strongest advantages of self-education is the opportunity to learn throughout life.
A self-taught person, or autodidact , is a person who has independently acquire an education outside the walls of any educational institution, without the help of a teacher.
Thanks to self-education, you can deepen your what you need to know about building targeted sms lists knowledge in completely different fields of knowledge, and the learning process itself can be structure in different ways: read books on a chosen topic . What are its advantages attend online and offline events, communicate with experts, travel, and much more.
Where to start self-education?
To avoid getting lost in the abundance of information, it is necessary to establish a clear process:
- Write down all the branches of knowledge that interest you and rate your interest in each on a 10-point scale. Anything below 9 points is not worth paying attention to today. This recommendation can be found in the book “Essentialism. The Path to Simplicity”.
- For the chosen activity, write down at least 3 criteria that are significant for your life. For example, self-study in the chosen subject should raise self-esteem, bring pleasure and increase income.
- Once you have chosen an occupation, find out what your prospects are and what the criteria for success and failure are.
- Set a clear, measurable goal with clear deadlines. This will help turn self-education into a project with specific tasks and deadlines.
- Surround yourself with an interesting subject clean email from all sides, building your horizons around the study project.
- But also leave time for other interests (to switch your attention): sports, books, video games, lectures on another topic.
Why is self-education better?
Self-education has several undeniable advantages that cannot be argue with:
- current knowledge;
- getting to know the latest ideas and trends;
- personal training program;
- only interesting subjects in the program;
- saving time;
- high motivation;
- efficiency;
- expanding your social circle;
- study with the best teachers;
- schedule management;
- free of charge;