All stages are carri , out autonomously, and in order to start a new one, you ne , to completely complete the previous one. For creative projects, the stages will differ, but the principle will remain unchang ,.
Due to significant time expenditures
At the early stages of activity development, conditions are creat , for meeting requirements within the set deadline. As a result, fewer resources are requir , to eliminate errors.
- Ease of use – the accurate cleaned numbers list from frist database division into stages is intuitive, so it allows even those who have no experience with it to apply the approach.
- Structure and rigidity – these features are both an advantage and a disadvantage. By dividing into stages, it is possible to organize and distribute the work. And since the method does not allow you to return to the complet , stage, you ne , to do everything perfectly right away. As a result, you can achieve the best results.
- Active use of documentation, as Waterfall places a strong emphasis on collecting and understanding requirements. This makes it easier for new participants to join the project and start working.
This project management method also has its disadvantages:
- High risk associat , with best ways to find profitable forks the rigidity of the technology – any mistake made at any stage requires changes, which means the project will have to be start , from scratch. As a result, the requir , result will not be achiev , within the establish , time frame.
- The first stage is difficult – all further work is determin , by how correctly the team members understood the requirements and analyz , them within the project management method. If something went wrong or the requirements chang ,, the work starts again from scratch. For this reason, they try not to use this technology for the implementation of complex projects plann , for a long period of time.
Waterfall is actively us , in america email list software development and ensures the implementation of projects:
- short duration, uncomplicat ,;
- with clear requirements;
- in which resources that depend on detail , documentation change.
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The Agile project management method was also creat , for software development and was intend , to replace Waterfall in the implementation of complex projects.