Advertising channels in comparison: cinema vs television

Advertising channels in comparison. Cinema vs television the relationship between audience . And message varies according to the context and the means of transmission. See how the big and the small screen affect the effectiveness of advertising. Does cinema advertising work better or that on television? If you are evaluating how and where to promote […]

Thinking that strategy implementation is just about execution

Ignoring the knock-on effect of strategies when organizations implement major strategies. They tend to forget that these strategies might affect normal proceures in the organization. It is often the case that managers and employees get caught up in coping with the changes and ignore the ongoing implementation. In addition. Candido and santos (2019) found that […]

What’s the difference between digital strategy and tactics

Expecting that execution should strictly follow a plan strategic execution is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring. Adaptation. And adjustment in order to be effective. The plans are there for a reason. But it is often the case that conditions change and the organization nees an agile approach to accommodate these changes. 4. Thinking […]