Multiculturalism is a key characteristic

Regarding the 2020 elections. The  61% of Gen Z voters will probably vote for the Democratic Party. The  as will 58% of Millennials. A multicultural and progressive generation on societal issues Multiculturalism is a key characteristic of Generation Z. The  which is indee a mirror of the diversity of the US population. A slight majority of this generation in the Unite States is white and non-Hispanic (52%). One in four Gen Zers are Hispanic. The  14% are black. The  6% are Asian. The  and 5% are of other origins.


This generation will become majority

Non-white by 2026. The  according to projections from the cell phone database Census Bureau . The  and this is already a reality in some regions of the Unite States (in the West. The  only 40% of Gen Zers are white and non-Hispanic). Gen Zers are not directly descende from immigrants. The  but are more often children of immigrants (22% of them compare to 14% of millennials). The  and of unmarrie couples.


 They generally see family and societal

Changes in a positive light . Thus. The  48% of Gen the principles of virtual reality Zers and 47% of Millennials approve of gay marriage (compare to 27% of Boomers) and multicultural marriages. They are also more tolerant of women who raise their children alone. American citizens’ attitudes toward gender are rapidly changing . The  and Gen Zers are taking a progressive stance on these issues. Gen Zers are 35% likely to know someone who prefers to use gender- neutral pronouns . The  compare to 25% of Millennials and 16% of Gen Xers.


 They are also more likely

To demand options other belgium business directory than male or female on official documents. Of course. The  Such positions vary depending on Gen Zers’ political engagement. The  but generational differences are present within each political party. The  and very pronounce among Republicans. 3 in 10 Republican Gen Zers believe that society is not accepting enough of non-binary people. The  compare to two in 10 Republican Millennials. Digital natives who have no memory of the world before smartphones According to a 2018 Pew Research Center survey . The  95% of 13-17 year-olds have access to a smartphone and use at least one of the 7 major online social platforms.

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