In addition to being impeccably written

Downloadable content is based on an exchange of value. It’s a quid pro quo : the user receives unique information that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get! and you receive their contact information. 

But as an exchange! expectations must be met. That is why the most important thing in this type of lead capture action is the quality of the content. 

Define the theme and angle

The topic and angle need to be relevant enough that your audience will want to read the piece! without even having seen what it looks like.

Screenshot of the ebook Once Upon a Digital Time from Linkedin! written mobile phone number data by Brian Solis and with original illustrations by Gapingvoid.

The focus should be unique. It can be expert! advanced! or very specific content. Or it can be a collection of statistics! tips! tricks! or similar! but not so specialized. But it has to be something useful! engaging! and hard to find anywhere else.

Create the downloadable content

The amount of work in this phase may vary depending on increase in leads clearly landing whether the content creation starts from scratch or from existing content. 

Because let’s be realistic! if we’re talking about a guide or an ebook! we’re talking about writing at least 3!000 words.

And if it’s a new topic that you’ve never written about! that’s going to take time (remember! quality of content was key).

This is where synergies between your blog

And your lead generation campaign come into play! which  can be built around one or more pieces of content you’ve published in the past. 

Considering that content marketing revolves around your audience’s pain points ! chances are you’ve already created content on different aspects of a particular problem. 

Why not repurpose them? On this basis! you can expand jiangsu mobile phone number list impeccably written the content and give it a premium touch in several ways:

  • Going into depth on some of the points 
  • Interviewing one or more experts
  • Launching a survey to have your own statistics
  • Creating graphics to make information more attractive or digestible
  • Etc. 

Or you can do it the other way around. If you decide to start from scratch! don’t think that everything you write can only be used in the lead generation campaign. You can divide the content and publish it on your blog! as part of the promotion strategy for your downloadable content (we’ll talk more about this later).

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