How to identify business opportunities by copying

Did he say copyYes, that’s right, you heard right. Copying something that already exists with the aim of improving it is nothing to sneeze at, but rather the opposite. Just look at Google, Facebook, Apple, etc., to mention just a few examples of companies that were born with the idea of ​​copying something that already exists, creating an improved version of what already exists. copy ideaPhoto rights by Fotolia To identify business opportunities without having to invent something completely new, I recommend you pay attention to these things


A market with high demand that

has an oligopoly situation (few companies) or even a monopoly. Just yesterday I gave you an idea in this context to launch your own Guinness Record company . Inefficiencies in the existing offering . In markets with little competition, there is often a great potential for improvement because players are not forced to invest massively in developing their products and services. Someone who does it better has a chance. Low or moderate barriers to entry .


There are markets that do not allow

the entry of new players because they require too much investment and/or contacts to do business. Those markets where the barriers to entry are not too high so that the level of risk is acceptable must be identified. Existing synergies . I have called it the “Quondos Principle” in a post because it defines how we do things there. When we identify a business opportunity, there has to be some synergy with something that already exists. Setting up something without any foundation is much more complicated. Projects have a greater chance of success because we already have the assets and knowledge to get the most out of them.

The 4 points sum up the way I analyze

and identify copyable ideas. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel every day. Sometimes you can settle for making it spin faster.After more than 50 hours of World Quondos Record some people might think that I’m going a bit crazy. They may be right but france whatsapp number data don’t think I care too much. Where some people see madness and stop, I start having fun by moving forward. Guinness World Record Well, that’s it. One of the ideas that came up was to create a Guinness record of my own .

Something that I dismissed out of hand

(of course, it wasn’t my idea) with something like “that’s impossible” or “it doesn’t make sense.” Today I think about it again and I say to myself “why how can i improve my score? notIn fact, the idea of ​​breaking a Guinness record started with that phrase. So I’m throwing this idea at you. Why not create a competition for Guinness? They are the only ones offering this type of service. They have a worldwide monopoly.

It’s about time someone started competing

with them so they get their act together . It seems very complicated but keep this in mind. To get a response on the application and approval of a record you almost always have to pay 600 euros. To start with, you could get a response within 24 hours and for free. The website is a bit of a mess. You could make a more user-friendly website that doesn’t crash every now and then. One more point in your favor. They don’t offer support in Spanish.

If you don’t speak English you’re in trouble

Also, you can only find the phone number by searching on Google Maps. You can receive support in Spanish and also put the phone number on the website. To start with, you could offer a completely free service . You are a kind of online trust at the buying house b level of world records. Where Guinness does not approve or is giving poor service, you attract clients. Over time, you will have become known as an alternative. Little by little, you will be able to start charging companies for the service. Well, I’m not saying it’s easy, but there’s

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