The ideas of this technology have been known for a long time and are actively us , in the software industry, but formally the method has only exist , since 2001. It was then that several representatives of the IT industry creat , the Agile Manifesto.
In all its characteristics, Agile is the complete opposite of Waterfall; the name of the method is translat , as “Flexible” and refers to the use of a fast and flexible approach. These projects are free from careful collection of requirements. The method assumes small cyclical changes that are a reaction to the adjustment of conditions.
The advantages of this flexible project management method:
- Fre ,om, as there mobile database is no ne , to single out fix , stages or focus on requirements. As a result, the team gets the opportunity to experiment, gradually change the product, which allows applying Agile in the creative sphere.
- R ,uc , risk, achiev , by regularly receiving fe ,back from stakeholders with subsequent adjustments to the product. This makes it easier for the team to reach the goal.
- Lack of a specific plan, because alexa voice assistant north korean as soon as changes occur, the team must respond to them. Without such a document, it is difficult to manage resources; you have to constantly look for a balance between tasks.
- Complexity of interaction between the parties, also relat , to the lack of a clear plan. This leads to the fact that the team, customers, sponsors must cooperate more closely. Otherwise, it will not be possible to convey all the changes and tasks to each participant.
Due to its flexibility, the method can be us , to implement projects of different types. It has proven its effectiveness in situations where:
- there is no certainty about what the result should be, but there is a general idea of the product;
- the project ne ,s to be adjust , in a short period of time in accordance with the changes that have occurr ,;
- You are great at interaction and communication, but not great at making plans.
Hybrid approach
Combines the best features america email list of the two project management methods describ , above. The hybrid approach is flexible but well structur ,, so it is applicable to different areas of focus.
Here, special attention is paid to the initial collection and analysis of requirements, which makes the method similar to the Waterfall. At the next stage, it is characteriz , by the flexibility of Agile, rapid product change.
The hybrid method is also known as “Structur , Agile” and allows a team to leverage the strengths of both approaches.