How to Collect Phone Numbers for SMS Marketing

The more subscribers you have on your phone list, the more likely  phone number list your SMS campaigns are to be successful. With this in mind, we’ve put together 12 proven ways to get as many leads into your sales funnel as possible .This tactic has one big advantage: your email subscribers already know your brand and trust you more than, say, first-time visitors to your website. But when asking them to share their phone numbers, remember two basic rules:

Reassure subscribers that the content of your text messages will be different from that of your emails.
Offer an incentive to get them to share their phone numbers. For example, highlight the possibility of receiving exclusive offers via SMS or offer one immediately

2. Offer a Benefit in Exchange for a Number

A good incentive melts the hearts of not only your email subscribers but  the importance of incentivizing your employees of all the people you want to get phone numbers from. 85% of shoppers are willing to share their details to get a discount. So, to collect phone numbers from potential customers, offer them something in return.

You can place your offer in an eye-catching widget and embed it on different pages of the website. With Claspo’s advanced settings, you can show it only to new visitors or to those who came to your website from a specific source or campaign. This personalized approach ensures the growth of your phone number list.

3. Invite your SMS List on the Checkout Page

If a buyer has landed on this page, they definitely like your brand. So
cell phone data  take advantage of their good mood about a new purchase and invite them to subscribe to your SMS newsletter, for example, to be the first to hear about other great products.

Add an optional phone number field to the checkout form where buyers provide personal information. Alternatively, consider hosting a pop-up on the checkout page. In addition to collecting phone numbers, you can thank buyers for their trust or remind them about fast delivery .Place a form or pop-up on your “Thank You” page and collect the phone numbers of those who just successfully placed an order.

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