The first thing we must keep in mind is that a business does not create profits on its own. It is thanks to the work of the people who work in it.
Achieving greater productivity is possible if you have happy, committed and motivated employees. But how do you achieve this? Implementing a good incentive program becomes an essential tool. For example, to break a sales record, you can implement an incentive system whereby for each sale made, employees receive cell phone database financial compensation or can even be rewarded with other non-monetary benefits, such as trips for two people or stays in luxury hotels.
But it’s not all about sales.
Employee participation and involvement is also an important factor for a successful business. Therefore, there is also the possibility of offering your team a points program a more human marketing that rewards them for each new idea presented. Points can be accumulated and then exchanged for a wide range of prizes included in a catalogue. The more personalised these gifts are, the more satisfied and valued employees will feel.
These techniques help unleash the potential of employees. But we must not neglect other aspects. Rewarding only the employees who sell the most is a big mistake. If the same employees buy lead are rewarded over and over again, it will lead to general discontent and great demotivation. To solve this problem, we can create incentive plans or employee clubs in which more than one employee benefits from the rewards. For example, the team that has made the most sales, the five most involved in a project, or the most creative person in each department.
Thanks to Incentiva by Galanta, you can provide motivation to your team to reach the goals and objectives set. Discover examples of incentive programs for the distributor channel and sales team.