Strengthening relationships between companies and customers is not always an easy task. In many cases. We need help from technology to carry out this task. Since today it plays a fundamental role in the relationships between the company. Marketing and its public.
But although technology is a key element when establishing a marketing strategy. The human side is something that we must not overlook. We must always take into account the b to c database value of individuals. Since at the end of the day we are people before being clients or consumers of products.
With human marketing we believe, trust, collaborate and communicate. It allows us to better understand our target audience, how they think, feel and behave, so that we can focus our actions on their needs. This is reflected by Pablo Adan (professor and personal branding advisor for professional careers, politics and entrepreneurial projects) in his book Human Marketing. Leadership, personal branding and communication:
“Since we do not fully believe in this “more human marketing”, we have chosen to talk about a new concept: Human Marketing, nothing more, nothing less. A marketing based on respect the importance of incentivizing your employees and the presumption of intelligence, beyond statistics, tastes and preferences.”
This marketing model is what the new market demands
As it is much more in line with the current philosophy of life. Overwhelming the consumer with our product and tricking them into making a purchase do not fit into this new model that puts people above the product.
At Galanta , we are aware of this transformation and therefore. We have tools such as LMS (Loyalty Management System) , which provides a solution to this new need. Customer loyalty is buy lead rewarded by making them feel special and valued with new features and discoveries that provide them with different benefits, advantages, experiences, games, learning, etc. , which keeps them close and active. In this way.Each user is valued in a totally personalized way.
Our goal is none other than to offer memorable experiences to our customers. In short, it is a new way of understanding the relationship between customer and company.