A set of cross-scenarios for interaction with the audience

During the launch of media advertising in Direct, you can collect an audience that is familiar with the creative ideas shown. Then, using the service, build of cross-scenarios for interaction a certain dialogue with the presented target audience. The segment is collected through the work of the Yandex.Audience pixel.

Types of contextual display ads in Yandex

A media campaign is a banner type of advertising phone number library that works to improve the company’s image and increase consumer loyalty. Contextual of cross-scenarios for interaction media advertising can be carried out in several formats:

  • banner content;
  • audio;
  • video.

Advertising with banners can be easily carried out on more than 20 thousand sites with the Yandex affiliate program. Video content of cross-scenarios for interaction is usually published in the form of short clips placed in the content of KinoPoisk or on sites in texts that do not have video. The situation is similar with advertising using the audio format. It is placed on resources with popular musical compositions played online. Audio advertising is usually included between tracks or at the end of the playlist.

Premium Display Advertising

  • Advertising on the Yandex home page. For maximum coverage of the consumer audience, this helps them reach a large it is ideal to place advertising information on the home page of popular search engines in the CIS. It is possible to install content for the desktop and mobile pages of the site (in this case, a drop-down block is used).
  • Advertising content of the brand page on the KinoPoisk resource. This is one of the permanent partners of Yandex, so the resource page can accommodate various types of contextual media advertising. When setting up ad display, a premium format is available – branding the page for 24 hours.
  • Video advertising. To make this advertising format as effective as possible for a company, you need to prepare a creative video in advance. The video will be shown in a separate window on the pages of Yandex partner sites. This is one of the most effective budget types of premium media advertising.
  • Advertising on the main page of Mail.ru. The Mail.ru company also attracts a huge audience. Therefore, it is convenient to place various advertising messages on the main page of its site.


In this case, advertising messages are displayed on Yandex.Maps and Yandex.Navigator services. This allows you to show potential buy lead clients interesting information about the promoted brand, taking into account the geographic location of target users.

  • Banner along the route. An effective format of media advertising, which consists of displaying messages to users of navigators when the car is not moving. Information about the brand is usually shown at the bottom of the screen. Displaying during a stop ensures the safety of the driver and at the same time increases interest in the ad.
  • Banner on Yandex.Maps . Advertisements can be published on Yandex.Maps. This covers a large number of representatives of the target audience. However, it should be noted that the banner will only be shown in the desktop version. You can adjust the frequency of its display.

Banner in Yandex Metro .

The advertising banner is shown at the bottom of the display while the user is viewing routes. When you click on the banner, a page opens with detailed advertising content and buttons for the target action.

  • Route Pins . You can publish an advertising pin with your company logo on user routes. After clicking on the ad, detailed information opens with the ability to adjust the route in favor of visiting the target location at the address specified in the ad.
  • Billboards along the route . Advertising messages in the form of labels are displayed in the Navigator. The advertising campaign manager can specify the region or district in which the ads will be displayed to users of the Yandex.Navigator environment.
  • Icon in the search menu . The element is displayed for Yandex.Navigator and Yandex.Maps users in the list of categories. When you click on the ad icon, the objects on the map specified when setting up the ad are displayed. You can immediately plot the best route to them.

How to set up contextual display advertising

The settings for displaying these types of advertising messages are made in the Yandex.Direct account. To do this, go to the drop-down menu and select “Media campaign”. Next, click on “Create campaign” and in the window that opens, do the following:

  1. Write the name of the campaign.
  2. Specify the start and end dates of the advertising campaign.
  3. Set up time targeting (specify time periods when and which ads should be shown).
  4. Set up geographic targeting based on the location of residence of the target audience, including districts if necessary.
  5. Set your desired impression management strategy.

After setting up the necessary parameters, you can create creative materials that should interest the target audience. For each ad, you can create only 1 banner. The file size should not exceed 150 KB.

To add a pixel code to a previously uploaded banner, you must first create it by going to the Yandex.Audience tab. Media-type advertisements are shown by Yandex only by key phrases specified by the advertiser or by the user profile. The socio-demographic characteristics of the target audience are entered into the user profile settings. These include age, gender, education, occupation, and marital status.

Key phrases correspond to the interests of the target audience, as well as the topics of the sites in YAN that match the topic of the advertising content. You can select only one type of conditions for each ad group without the possibility of further editing.

After all settings are completed, the advertisement is sent for moderation. After successful approval by the administrator, as well as payment, the advertising content will be displayed according to the specified conditions.

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