There are three work strategies

Wildberries is the largest marketplace in Russia. Every day, 780 thousand people make purchases on the platform. On such a large platform, the competition is huge. If you do not know what to sell, there is a high risk of losing a lot of money. Next, we figure out where to find products for sale, how to correctly analyze and understand the niche.

Where to get ideas

When you are looking for ideas, you need to follow the right approach. There are only 4 steps: choosing suppliers, defining target categories, brainstorming and analyzing the niche.

The choice of supplier asia mobile number list affects the terms of purchasing goods, logistics costs, and the level of entry threshold into the marketplace.

Which strategy is better depends on the situation. The cheaper the logistics end up being, the more profitable it is. For example, if there is a Russian company nearby that manufactures the necessary product, then it is worth purchasing from them. If not, other strategies should be considered.

Target categories

Target categories are groups of products that you plan to sell. When choosing them, consider the expiration dates of the products, the costs of packaging, and the paperwork that needs to be completed.

A striking example that touches on all three conditions is cosmetics. When selling them, you must strictly monitor the afb directory date, pack them well, and issue certificates. In the case of umbrellas, for example, all you need is to write a refusal letter.

In most cases, salespeople decide on target categories based on their personal skills. A person who understands work strategies technology will sell computers and phones, while someone who understands chemistry tidio – top 5 alternatives will choose cosmetics.


This is the process of generating ideas

From the target categories, they search for and record products that they plan to sell later. For this, they use v aggregators and other marketplaces. For example, if you work with Chinese suppliers, then take a closer look at 1688 and Alibaba. If in Russia, then Ozon and Yandex. Market. Analyze each product, evaluate whether it will be bought. We will talk about how to do this correctly later.


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