Explain what benefit the blog brings to 

Standard marketing model: we give people free, high-quality, regular content → they see that it is produced by DOC+ → a person has a medical case → they think:
Oh! These guys told me how to cure a cold for free, maybe they will do it well for money too.
The scheme works, but alas, everything went wrong. A year after the launch of the blog, DOC + changed its business model to B2B. And “Just Ask” is a B2C-oriented publication, it lost its meaning as a PR tool for the company.
What is the fate of the blog in the end?
From brand media that supports the company’s reputation, we became just media. Now we are a platform that independently earns money from advertising. Processes were launched to create native advertising for the same cool companies as DOC+: pharmaceuticals, medicine and other projects that help people feel good. At the end of last year, we became self-sufficient.
Will you share the mistakes you made at the start?
It will be useful to know for many who are planning to develop a content project.
  • Mistake #1
    They didn’t start getting going before they launched the website. At the start of the project, it would have been worthwhile to start attracting an audience on social networks, for example, on Telegram or Zen
  • Mistake #2
    We have a technically complex site. Start with something simpler
  • Mistake #3
    We didn’t have time to roll out the editorial processes so that they could be scaled up, and at the same time decided to go to non-text formats. As a result, there weren’t enough hands for everything, so we took a step back and concentrated on text. Start with the “center of power”, and only then expand in platforms and formats

What do you do as editor-in-chief?

I have changed several “masks, roles shop  and hats”. At first, I was responsible for launching the project: I set the technical requirements for the developers and designers on the site, came up with the concept of the publication, wrote the editorial policy, assembled a full-time team and authors. I edited the first texts, sometimes even did some layout. When it was time to grow, I focused on content and was responsible for new formats.
Is it hard to be editor-in-chief?
The work is connected with communication, with people, so you always need to be in the right “mind set”. Obviously, conflicts constantly arise in the relationship between the author and the editor, you will have to learn to steer out of them. And also not to worry too much and not let yourself burn out. Probably, it is difficult for some, for others not. I manage to switch.

What is your education and did it help you become who you are?

You asked a philosophical question, and I have a philosophical education. I can’t say that it helped with my editing skills, but it did set the general level of thinking. I think I know more words than a non-philosopher 🙂 This background helps in terms of style. To become an editor, I had to study editing.
What skills does a person need to work in content marketing?
You should have an idea of ​​what a good or best ways to find profitable forks at least normal text is. Because text is still the basis, even for other formats. From the marketing field, you need to understand the stages of the sales funnel, determine the target audience and know how to show your content to the right people. In other words, work on promotion.
Isn’t there a fear of writing only about medicine? Or are you sure that you can always retrain in another field?
It all depends on the list of interests. I have not been involved in medicine all my life. I do not have a medical education, there are other people in the team for these purposes. Previously, I developed advertising content for various brands. Before that, I had an educational story about nuclear energy. On the issue of the influence of philosophical education: I have an internal need to work with meaning and education. The field is constantly evolving, I personally have no fear. And medicine does not stand still.
You teach at D’SKUL on a course on content marketing that starts in a few days, what will be there?

I’ll tell you how to set goals correctly and how NOT to do content marketing.

Take content marketing into your own hands global seo work with the Digital Content Marketing course . You will master the tools for creating and promoting content that generates new customers or subscribers. Build a systematic approach to content marketing that is used by leading companies.

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