what is it the difference how to set it up

According to statistics, at least 90% of website visitors do not buy products when they first visit an online store. Only after 5-7 contacts with the brand do they make a purchase decision. This happens due to the psychological characteristics of most people who strive to choose the best. Therefore, having the platform, a person leaves it with the intention of looking for other offers: more favorable prices, delivery terms, additional gifts. There is no guarantee that he will return. The article

below will tell you how to return

a potential client to the email data  site, encourage him to make an order.It is for the purpose of returning visitors to the target platform that technologies have been remarketing and retargeting. Google at one time this technology “remarketing”, Yandex – “retargeting”. Both tools have their own specifics when setting up. Many believe that this is the only difference between the concepts.

Other marketing specialists believe that

email data

remarketing is an advertising strategy at retaining a client and returning them to the site. Retargeting is the technology of displaying ads to the target audience. The main difference between the concepts is to be the broader meaning of remarketing, which includes, among other things, retargeting as a marketing tool.

In fact, the boundaries between why you should switch to multi  them are Both technologies solve the problem of reminding the advertiser about itself to visitors who have left. Both work when searching for information in a search engine or visiting other platforms. “Stalking” with the help of advertising helps to instill in the potential client the idea of ​​​​returning back to the desired page.

Setting up remarketing and aqb directory retargeting is usually included in the contextual advertising tariff and is a working tool for increasing online sales.Technically, retargeting and remarketing are advertising a specific Internet resource of the advertiser for users who have already visited it. The technologies are built not only on the mechanisms of contextual advertising, but also work in social networks and video hosting sites.

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