Do you want to take advantage

A check and correct option according to the official recommendations for Google Webmasters  support. google webmasters answer ?hl=en ) is the use of the hyphen. This will be clear to both the robot and the user, who will have no difficulty reading the key phrase written in the address. Uppercase or lowercase letters in the URL? It is recommend to use only lowercase letters in URLs. Let’s talk about the possibilities of your business!  Of our offer or ask a question? Contact us! Mandatory fields Name your e-mail Telephone What interests you? company name Detail information on the processing of personal data can be found here.

Imagine that we send someone

URL length The maximum URL length in general is characters, however, it would be crazy to use the limit to the last letter. It is better to focus on short, easily remember and readable URLs that are easy to share.  A URL that has more than , words. characters – it immiately raises concern whether it is not spam, or worse, a virus. An analysis was perform, which shows that the shorter the URL, the higher the position in Google. Backlinko analyz . million Google search South Africa Phone Number List results and this analysis shows that although the impact is not very large, correlations can be observ between the length of the URL and the position in Google.

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However you should remember

Backlinko hub seo urls Simple directory structure The URL address may or may not contain a directory, i.e. a category in which the resource is available. To limit the number of directories – often products/services are deeply embd in the structure of the website and are locat in one of the sub-directories – then it is worth avoiding informing about each subsequent category. Often, one catalog is enough to help distinguish a product from a Bulk Lead category, as well as help group products in Google Analytics.

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