This update was originally intend

Contact details have become necessary – it is also useful to create NAPs (Google better evaluates sites with a preserv NAP standard (Name, Address, Phone)). In the process of developing a brand on the Internet, one should focus on the correlation of the company’s name with the location, maintaining the standards of addresses in online directories or taking care of structural data on the website. We wrote about how to complete the GTM business card in our article.  For English-speaking users. At the same time, Google confirm that a factor over which we have no direct influence is important – distance and location.

This algorithm made it harder

An additional update that shook local search results is Opossum – it introduc the well-known three results in the bar below the map, which are download from Google My Business. Mobilegdon It was introduc in.  For websites not optimiz for mobile devices to rank high. In addition, cheap and fast Mobile Internet has become very popular – hence the large increase in the number of people consuming content from this type of device, i.e. usually from smaller Croatia Phone Number List screen resolutions. It is worth noting that Mobilegdon did not affect the search results on desktop devices.

Phone Number List

The first major improvement

In the following years, Google introduc further improvements to the algorithms for mobile versions of the website: Mobile Friendly – To the original update Mobile index of pages – introduction of a separate index of mobile pages that do not yet affect the visibility of the page MFI (Mobile First Index) – priority in evaluating the website by Google bas on the mobile index (i.e. the mobile version) Mobile Spe ​​– page loading spe as a ranking factor for mobile results We Bulk Lead can test the optimization of our website for mobile devices,via this website. At the same time, not forgetting that adaptation to mobile devices.

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