It allows you to get as much traffic

If there are at least of them per week – the system takes them into account and does not require as much data as in the case of new campaigns. Types of automat bidding strategies: a. Maximize clicks Us to increase the number of visits to your site. As possible on the website, with a limit budget. b. Target impression share Us to increase the visibility of ads for specific key phrases. The strategy is only available on the search network as a standard strategy for a single campaign or as a portfolio bid strategy for multiple campaigns. Target CPA Us to get as many conversions as possible for a set cost-per-action CPAtarget with some conversions may cost more or less than the set value.

They allow the display of more relevant

Target ROAS Us as a bidding strategy for online stores when you know what return on investment in advertising is profitable. Sets bids so that the conversion value at your target return on ad spend is as high as possible. e. Maximize Conversions Automatically sets bids that maximize conversions within your budget. f. Maximizing Conversion Value Us to maximize Dominican Republic Phone Number List conversion value revenuewith a limit budget. . Automatic ad creatives a. Responsive Search Ads RSAFix Analytics  advertising messages, tailor to the terms search by potential customers. They are display bas on the rotation of headlines and descriptions.

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The statistics contain information

Advantages Create one ad instead of multiple headline and description combinations. No ne to analyze the effectiveness of individual ads – the system does it for us. He decides which headlines, descriptions and their combinations are the most effective and invests in them.  About the most effective headlines and texts, which is useful in optimizing the content of standard text ads. Defects: Lack of full control over the display advertising message. The ne to Bulk Lead think about whether combinations of ad content will not look bad in the ad.

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