Having a list of all the monitoring activities for the prevention

Long-tail keywords are long sentences, even actual propositions, that are more complete, and allow you to select a more specific keyword. As a result, they give you the chance to be reached by more qualified visitors. How to set up a long tail keyword SEO strategy On the vertical axis are all the general keywords, therefore made up of one, two or three terms. Search volumes are high for these types of keywords. Just as the competition with other domains and the cost per click are high. On the horizontal axis the parable descends more and more until it settles on a “long tail”, the long-tail keyword. Search volumes in this case are low. Why should you focus on both general and long tail keywords.

All that is left is long tail keywords

You should know that keywords composed of single terms convert about 10% of total searches. Queries consisting of two or three words have a 15% conversion rate.  . We are phone number list talking about a 75% conversion rate. Amazing, isn’t it? Remember : in your strategy you can NEVER afford to neglect the monitoring of your keywords on the SERP. Especially that group of keywords that bring more traffic to your site. 4. Monitor errors, anomalies and reports If you have already published some content and your SEO strategy has reached an impasse, you need to be careful with this step. In addition to having a mobile-friendly and well-structured site , you need to constantly check your pages for errors.

I’m talking about

Phone Number List

Your portal or e-commerce must be monitored and taken care of from any potential element that could compromise navigation or content loading.  404 errors Broken links Duplicate content Half-empty pages, neglected or under construction Images not optimized for SEO  of the main Bulk Lead structural SEO criticalities is a fundamental step in a long-range strategy. 5. Analyze your competitors Competitor analysis is an integral part of a marketing plan. But how does it fit into an SEO strategy? In this case, what matters most to you.

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