Therefore in the first place

Answers provided in the FAQ are an opportunity to demonstrate expert knowledge in a given topic, which positively translates into the site’s evaluation by Google, which appreciates materials that educate users and meet the criteria of EAT content quality assessment. How to choose questions for the FAQ section? The most important source of information when preparing an FAQ should be the customers themselves.  It is worth checking what questions they ask in e-mails and follow the comments left by them in social media and forums.

The second source of information

To find the right questions for the FAQ section, we can use a number of tools. It’s best to start researching popular queries with Google Analytics and the “Search terms” report: It is a source of knowledge about the queries entered by users in the internal search engine on the website, which we will answer in the FAQ section. About traffic on our website is Google Search Console, where, for example, with the help of regular expressions, we can check what questions generate traffic on our website: Another helpful tool is Answer The Public , which collects Japan Mobile Numbers List popular questions and phrases related to the password we provided: The ability to search for questions related to a given word or group of phrases is also available in Senuto.

Phone Number List

We can also find inspiration for creating

In the keyword database, we receive keywords. In the form of questions related to the entered phrase or group of phrases. Similar functionality can be found in the Ahrefs tool. Where in Keyword Explorer you can also select a list of related query phrases. Questions thanks to Google suggestions: Our competitors are also a source of data. So it’s worth checking what questions are included. In the FAQ on their pages and which of them generate the most traffic. How to write an FAQ? The Bulk Lead answer has no character limit, but it’s best to keep it short and to the point.

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