Generic phrases characteriz by

Sales funnel As you can see in the funnel above, the use of these keyword groups will allow you to “catch” a valuable user along the entire conversion path. High search potential accounting office, conditioner are too general and do not specify the user’s intentions, so you should not expect many conversions from them.  And interest among future customers who are just beginning to feel the ne to use a service purchase a product, and for this purpose they do research online. Long -tail keywords are longer, several-word queries that more precisely specify the user’s intentions accounting office Krakow, conditioner for low porosity hair.

This is the easiest way to find

As a result, we can expect valuable traffic from them, as well as less competition from advertisers in the auction than in the case of general phrases. Brand phrases Centuś accounting office Kraków Anwen conditioner for low porosity hair generate the most valuable, converting traffic. Such phrases are enter by users who are familiar with the offer of a given Bolivia Phone Number List company or want to learn more about it, or want to use the services again  purchase a product. DSA Ads Dynamic Text Ads  customers who are searching for exactly what you offer on Google.

Phone Number List

Their task is to build awareness

They are ideal for develop websites and an extensive service offer , because they target ads bas on the content of the page and are irreplaceable in filling gaps in keyword-bas campaigns. Types of text ads Make the most of the available text ad formats that Google offers. Don’t forget about accurate CTAs and keyword-rich copy . It’s good to have the following set of formats in your ad group: Extend text ad ESA – headlines, descriptions characters each. Responsive Text Bulk Lead Advertising RSA – max. headers, max. descriptions – finally max.

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