SEO specialist – chemistry teacher

From the outside, the subject e seems boring – strange calculations, weak certainty, experiments do not always work. You do your job with passion you are actually doing. But you know who is the king of the world and the real magician here. Too bad the rest are not in the know. Okay, they will come running when something starts to burn badly – you will have to save the world again

Content Marketer – Literature Teacher. Or Historian

There is a direct coincidence here, it is even phone number database boring to describe. True, there are many subspecies within the species: prose writer, novelist, poet, humorist, etc. Here everything depends on what industry you got into – you fill out cards in an online store, narrate the life of a machine-building plant or praise antifungal ointments. A true lover of style will find his drama in a bearing with a crankshaft
SMM specialist – geographer
The one who is in charge of hikes
Contextual advertising manager – math teacher

Calculate again, check  what are the benefits of push sales? again. The equation is not solved, the budget is wasted. Let’s start over. Infinite solution of new equations under conditions of self-changing axioms. A random error leads to an unexpected result. Victory! But it is impossible to repeat. The keys to a new problem can only be found by starting over.

And a tergetologist? – a romantic mathematician.

Landing Page Master – Physical Education Teacher
Can you do pull-ups? Hold a corner? Jump over a bar? Raise the global seo work bar higher? Play football? Play basketball? Do both at the same time?
Run 100 meters in 6 seconds? Are you tired? No time to rest, still have to run 3 km. Okay, the main thing is a white T-shirt and black shorts. No, you can’t wear sweatpants, it’s not according to the brand book.
Email Marketer – Biology Teacher
Like letters – what’s so special about them, as old as the world. They say they’ve almost stopped being openedBy feeding them different baits,  habits and even reflexes. Overfeeding is dangerous – they’ll die out. It’s important to maintain water balance.

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