we have prepared a training program

The war present. Ukrainian entrepreneurs with many challenges. including logistical difficulties. r.uc. demand. and the ne. to quickly adapt to market conditions.

In response to these challenges.

Digital Solutions for Business Resilience in Times of War “. which was creat. within the Sustainable Business Platform. The Unit. Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Academy in Ukraine in cooperation with the WebPromoExperts Internet Marketing Academy  canada mobile database within the framework of the project “Transformational Recovery for Human Security in Ukraine”. which is implement. with the support of the Government of Japan.

This project is design. to ws database  help businesses maintain stability and competitiveness in crisis conditions through digital strategies and innovations.


During the program presentation

Who is the program for?

The program is aim. at entrepreneurs who are looking to adapt their business models to operate sustainably even during a crisis. Special attention is paid to businesses that already have some experience in the market. but are facing challenges due to the war. Owners and managers of such companies will have the opportunity to learn how to use modern technologies for stabilization and development.

The training program will be useful for mainly m.ium-siz. businesses and. as an exception. sustainable small businesses (from 20 employees. this exception applies only to Kharkiv. Odessa and Kyiv regions).

The main participants of the program are:

  • Owners of sustainable small and m.ium-siz. businesses. especially in regions  microsoft that is used by millions that have undergone significant changes in market structure.
  • Entrepreneurs who are fac. with logistics problems. declining demand. and the ne. to change business approaches.
  • Companies that are ready to implement new strategies and tools to support and develop their business in times of uncertainty.

Program goal

The main goal of the program is to teach entrepreneurs to adapt to changes using the latest digital tools. The program is design. to provide practical knowl.ge and skills that will help businesses quickly respond to challenges and effectively . Implement new solutions. Importantly. The emphasis is on process automation. sales and communications . Optimization. as well as increasing efficiency .Through the use of artificial intelligence.

The program . Digital Solutions for . Business . Resilience in Times of War” aims to help entrepreneurs adapt to new challenges through the implementation of digital strategies and innovations. Over two days. participants will learn about modern . Digital tools for effective business management. as . Well as practical ways to use artificial intelligence. The program includes topics relat. to business adaptation. digital analytics. sales optimization. and creating marketing strategies using artificial intelligence.



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