Jamie Gonzalez Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer

contact name: Jamie Gonzalez
contact job function details: executive assistant to ceo
contact job function:

contact job title: Executive Assistant To Chief Executive Officer

contact job seniority: entry

contact person city: Los Angeles

contact person state: California

contact person country: United States

contact person zip code:

business name: NetSol

business domain: netsoltech.com

business facebook URL:

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/253037

business twitter: https://www.twitter.com/netsoltech

business website: http://www.netsoltech.com

bolivia phone number database

business angellist:

business found year: 1995

business city: Calabasas

business zip code: 91302

business state: California

business country: United States

business language: English

business employee: 947

business category: information technology & services

business specialty: leasing finance software, portfolio management, sap, technology, consulting services, software solutions, asset finance leasing, contract management, wholesale finance, credit application processing, data systems integration, it, asset management, capital markets, information technology and services

business technology: rackspace_email,office_365,rackspace,bluekai,wordpress_org,google_analytics,recaptcha,bootstrap_framework,google_font_api,mobile_friendly,vimeo,apache,sharethis

jonathan hulbert ceo

business description: NetSol Technologies provides software solutions for asset finance, automotive finance, leasing management, lending, contract origination and activation.

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