Igor Shulezhko FOUNDER & CEO Rank up

On the SEO SHMEO YouTube channel. an online meeting of SEO experts was held. who discuss. trends in 2024 and what SEO specialists can expect. We recommend watching this video in full. and in the article we present Igor’s thoughts on SEO trends.

In 2024. we will see an increase in the importance of branding

Brand. queries. and  honduras telegram data backlinking strategies. nanoheadlines. and optimiz. copy. What was previously consider. sufficient now requires an additional approach.

I believe that big brands are becoming more recognizable. while it is becoming more difficult for small businesses to stand out. SEO is increasing in cost every year. so in 2024 a scenario is possible when the entire Internet has already taken into account all the possibilities. which makes it difficult for smaller players to compete. while large companies maintain their positions and share the pie. So. “small” businesses should already think about how they can stand out in order to attract attention. I think that all market players will return to the basics of classic marketing. rethink these paradigms and move accordingly.

Many SEOs are already starting to shy away from detail.

Analysis of Google updates. This task requires significant effort and time. which is not always available. as other tasks also ne. to be solv..
Large companies can allocate  slovakia business directory resources for thorough analysis due to the presence of highly qualifi. specialists. In m.ium-siz. businesses. time for this may be limit.. and we may have to l imit ourselves to reviewing only the headlines and main aspects  of Google updates. Another alternative is to quickly  microsoft that is used by millions learn the technique of analyzing updates to obtain useful conclusions. or to abandon it altogether and focus on effective movement forward.


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