How to Turn Your Company Blog into Your Ultimate

Blogs have become one of the most popular content marketing tools. A blog allows you to create a positive brand reputation and win consumer loyalty. It greatly influences your company’s appearance in Yandex and Google search. At the D’SKUL digital school, we talked to Ivan Gribov, the editor-in-chief of one of the best corporate magazines in RuNet, ” Just Ask .” Read the article to learn how to create and launch a successful expert blog and what you need for this.

What does “Just Ask” write about?

Initially, “Just Ask” is a brand media of a medical company. In short, DOC+ allows you to call a doctor to your home, who will conduct a quality appointment with the patient at home, not as short as in district hospitals, and without hanging paid services, as in private clinics.

Our task was to teach people to take care of their overseas data health competently. Evidence-based medicine, based on scientific research data and the personal experience of the doctor, is a trend that was not well known in Russia a couple of years ago. We decided that this is interesting for both readers and the DOC+ service.

The company came up with the idea that if we tell people how to treat themselves correctly, it will increase trust in both the brand and the doctors.

Who came up with the name and the idea of ​​blogging?

It was the idea of ​​DOC+ CEO Ruslan Zaydullin. And the name was born in agony, we went through 20-30 options. On the one hand, we wanted something different from the standard: not DOC+ blog and not DOC+ Magazine. On the other hand, we wanted something light and ironic, because it seems that you shouldn’t talk about health too seriously. Otherwise, it will be like in a clinic, where the doctor tells you that you are a nobody, and don’t ask unnecessary questions.

The name of the blog “Just Ask” was chosen because it is the most common phrase that people hear and say in medical institutions.

The most effective communication channel?

For us, it’s Telegram, with an audience of 23,000 subscribers today. Two alexa voice assistant north korean years ago, health channels started a micro-revolution in the medical Internet. Doctors familiar with evidence-based medicine were tired of stumbling across illiterate health articles online and started creating their own channels. That’s where we built our audience. Subscribers are interested in health, know what medical research is, and don’t buy “antiviral” drugs because it’s a waste of money.
Telegram channel “Just ask”
The second channel is search traffic. What does a person do first when they have a stomach ache or a fever? That’s right, they google the symptoms and go “to see” them on the Internet.
Who is your target audience?
With the audience, everything is simple. When we launched, we focused on people from 25 to 45 who are conscious about their health. In English, this is called health-conscious.

What content do you publish?

The site only has articles. We started by writing global seo work long reads of 15-20 thousand characters. At first, it was unclear whether it would work or not, but in the end, we achieved a high level of readability of 15 minutes. But when the goal is to build a working content marketing system, writing material in such a volume is long and difficult. Therefore, ideas for shorter formats arose.

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