5 tips for professional use of mass SMS

Bulk SMS is one of the preferred channels for companies to contact their users. Its high opening rate of around 98% and its versatility make it the perfect tool in the professional field.

However, there are some tricks that we should consider to ensure that these communications are as effective as possible. Based on our own experience in marketing, we point out some guidelines that we cannot forget.

5 main tips that will allow you to communicate like a pro via SMS

1. Less is more

We all spend too much time cleaning our inboxes and 5 tips for deleting unwanted emails without even opening them. Faced with this avalanche of emails, it can be difficult to distinguish between those that are useful and those that are not.

SMS is a people-centric channel, which makes most companies think twice before over-communicating. Send the right message at the right time. For example, exclusive offers, order confirmations, stock availability alerts or appointment reminders.

2. Keep it short
Not only does a large portion of the population own a list of jiangsu cell phone number mobile phone, but most consumers have it on hand at all times. Since we’re all busy multitasking and you only have 160 characters of plain text to play with, it’s important to keep messages concise and engaging.

list of jiangsu cell phone number

3. Make it relevant

SMS marketing is opt-in only, meaning you only receive it portable photo printer: a beginner’s guide upon express request. This means your customers are already interested in what you do and want to receive your messages. This gives you a winning advantage, as it’s easier to create targeted messages based on your audience’s behavior and demographics.

Plus, adding personalization to your message allows you to deb directory tune in with customers and reduces the likelihood that they’ll perceive your message as spam.

4. Be interactive
Text messages aren’t just one-way. Your mobile customers also want to be able to contact you in the same way.

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