Advertising Copywriting: Discover the Art of Copywriting!

Advertising copywriting is one of the most popular ways for companies to attract customers. Start-ups, SMEs, and even large-scale brands use this technique to make themselves known to the public and, above all, increase their turnover. This process consists of transmitting a relevant message to consumers. However, transmitting this message requires compliance with certain rules, otherwise your readers risk fleeing.

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What is copywriting? A refresher on copywriting!


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Advertising copywriting, also called copywriting, is a writing technique that consists of “  seducing and convincing a prospect to enter the sales funnel  ”. Here, the copywriter’s mission is to “  push the reader to make a purchase, contact the company or take other actions.  ”

Copywriting plays a huge role in a marketing campaign, whether it’s online content or a commercial. Even a video ad or a great image can’t have the desired effect without quality text content to accompany it.

Below are some tips for writing advertising text  :

1) Don’t exaggerate with superlatives

If you think that copywriting is Jumeirah Beach Residence about praising your products or services, you’re wrong! Using superlative words or excessive self-promotion has never worked in a marketing campaign . And for good reason, using this technique exposes your brand to a violation of the law on unfair competition: misleading the consumer, belittling competitors, etc. So be careful with the adjectives you use!

2) Use “you” instead of “we”!

The use of the words “I” and “we” is common in advertising copywriting. However, some copywriters advise against their use. The reason? The reader will not feel concerned by your message and will lose interest. Using the second uab directory person will allow you to refocus on the real needs of your target. Address your prospects and avoid constantly centralizing the subject around your brand.

3) Discuss the problems encountered by your target

Sometimes, it is wise to use negative formulas in advertising copywriting. It is a good way to sell a product or service. For example, you can talk about the problems frequently encountered by customers. Once this step is completed, you will now present your product or service as if it were the miracle solution . To do this, one sentence is enough: It is precisely to overcome this problem that our product was created, with our service/product, you will not encounter this problem. Do not spread out an entire paragraph to promote yourself otherwise you risk scaring off your readers .

4) Provide evidence

How can a potential consumer know if your product or service is the best on the market if you don’t even provide proof? That’s why it’s best to support your claims with visual content (videos, images, testimonials, etc.) and accurate data (75% savings, 2 m2 of space gain, a maximum speed of 230 km/h, a weight loss of 2.4 kg per month, etc.). You’ll see that your readers will be impressed by your visuals and the precision of your figures.

5) Transform the abstract into concrete


Last but not least, don’t hesitate to make abstract numbers concrete by giving real examples. Some customers sometimes have trouble understanding the meaning of your words. That’s why you need to put forward concrete facts. This is a copywriting technique widely used by copywriters.

For example, if you are providing information about the lightness of your electronic device, don’t just specify its weight, but add “  this is equivalent to the weight of a pen.  ” Similarly, don’t just specify the area of ​​the land you are selling, but reinforce it with “  this is twice the size of a football field.  ”

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