The Meaning of Organic Traffic and How to Increase It

Organic traffic is the number of website visitors who come through organic search rather than paid advertising. Organic traffic is one of the first steps before optimizing an SEO campaign.

If you succeed in increasing organic traffic, a company’s sales will certainly increase. This will certainly benefit you. So what is organic traffic and how to increase organic traffic. Check out the article below to find out detailed information!


What is Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic is visitor traffic that enters a website through organic search results in search engines. This traffic is not generated from paid advertising. But from the results of website optimization so that its content is relevant to the keywords searched by users.

Organic traffic is one of the most valuable sources of traffic for a site. Because organic traffic tends to have higher conversion rates and lower visitor acquisition costs.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy is one way to increase organic traffic. By optimizing the website to better suit search engine algorithms and get better rankings in organic search results.

Benefits of Organic Traffic for Websites
As explained above, organic traffic is the number of users who visit your website through organic search results in search engines. Here are the benefits of organic traffic for websites:

1. Targeted Visitors
Visitors who come through organic search results tend to already have a specific interest or need that they want to fulfill. Users are actively recent mobile phone number list  looking for specific information, products, or services. Then find your site because it is considered relevant to what the user is looking for. This can certainly create greater opportunities for interactions such as reading content, purchasing products, or subscribing to services.

For example, if someone searches for “how to increase sales organically”. Then your site appears in the organic results with informative content on how to increase organic sales in 6 months. There is a high chance that the visitor will be genuinely interested and engaged with your content.

2. Credibility and Trust

Appearing in organic search results, especially in positions 1-3. Giving the impression that your content is a recognized and respected source of information or services in the online realm. This process creates a sense of credibility and trust that is very important for site visitors.

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The credibility gained from high organic rankings not only provides benefits in attracting visitors. It can also help build long-term relationships with your audience. Users who feel confident in the credibility of your site are more likely to return, engage further, and even recommend your site to others.

3. Cost Effective
SEO optimization for organic traffic requires an investment of time and resources. But in the long run, it can be a more cost-effective option compared to paid advertising campaigns.

Once your page content reaches a high ranking, your website can receive continuous, no-cost-per-click traffic. This can provide long-term results.

4. Increase Brand Awareness
By appearing in organic search results, your site gets consistent exposure among users searching for related topics.

This will certainly help increase brand awareness, as users will constantly see and remember your brand name or logo. Increased brand awareness can help differentiate your brand from competitors and build a strong image.

How to Increase Organic Traffic

Google Search Console Screenshot, SEO Performance of one of Apookat’s Clients
SEO Performance of One of Apookat’s Clients
In increasing organic traffic can be done in various ways, both On-Page, Technical SEO, and Off-Page. Here is a detailed explanation:

1. Create Content Relevant to Users
Creating content that is relevant to users is key to increasing organic website traffic. In order to achieve this, it is important to understand the needs and wants of your target audience .

Start by conducting market research to identify current trends and topics that are most interesting to potential users. Additionally, analyzing user data, such as frequently searched keywords, can provide valuable insights to create content that suits user preferences.

Once you have a solid understanding of your target audience , focus on creating informative, relevant, and useful content. Make sure the content addresses the user’s problems or needs, provides solutions, or provides information that meets their expectations. Use a writing style that is easy to understand and matches the language used by your target audience.

Additionally, optimize your content for search engines by using relevant keywords. Search engines tend to reward quality content that provides added value to users.

Therefore, focus on content that provides in-depth and comprehensive answers to user questions. By prioritizing user needs and providing valuable information, websites can attract more organic visitors, increase visibility , and ultimately achieve higher organic traffic goals.

2. Optimize Meta Title and Meta Description

Optimizing Meta Title and Meta Description is very important in SEO strategy to increase organic traffic of a website. Meta Title and Meta Description are metadata elements that are displayed in search engine results. Both play a crucial role in attracting the attention of potential users.

In optimizing Meta Title, use keywords that are relevant to the page content and make sure the title is eye-catching. An interesting title can increase the likelihood of users clicking on the link to find out more. In addition, the length of the Meta Title should be adjusted to remain optimal and not be cut off in search results.

While Meta Description should be designed to provide an interesting picture without giving too much information. Use interesting sentences and contain elements of attraction, such as benefits or solutions that can be found in the page content. Choosing the right words can make Meta Description a place to “sell” content. So that it can increase user clicks on the content.

3. On Page Optimization
On-Page Optimization is a way to increase organic traffic to a website. By focusing on the elements within the page itself. On-Page Optimization plays an important role in providing positive signals to search engines regarding relevant and quality content.

First of all, make sure the content presented has high value for users by providing complete, up-to-date, and useful information. Choosing the right keywords and strategic placement in the content is also an important part of On-Page optimization.

In addition, optimization of page structure and use of HTML tags. Starting from the title, headings, (H1, H2, H3, etc.) so that it can help search engines understand the hierarchy of information and prioritize important elements. Search engine friendlykesäkampanjat ja promootiot sähköpostimarkkinoinnissa: esimerkkejä, vinkkejä ja ideoita URLs, image descriptions with relevant alt attributes, and the use of internal linking to connect related pages on the site also contribute to improving page quality.

Page load speed also greatly affects user experience and search engine rankings. Make sure your pages load quickly by optimizing image sizes, using caching, and minimizing the use of elements that can slow down the page load process.

4. Build Link Building

An effective strategy in increasing organic traffic to a website is by building Link Building. Link Building involves efforts to get links ( backlinks ) from other websites to the target site. Although quality is more important than quantity, having relevant and authoritative backlinks can have a positive impact on rankings in search results.

It is important to focus on getting backlinks from quality sites that are related to the niche or topic that the target site is covering. Links from these sites are considered “votes” that indicate trust and authority. An effective link building strategy involves working with related sites, such as industry partners, bloggers, or news publishers who can provide trustworthy links.

In addition, creating valuable and unique content can be an attraction for other sites to provide links. When content is considered informative, useful, or entertaining, the possibility of getting backlinks from other sites becomes greater. Monitoring and maintaining existing links is also important to ensure the sustainability of the Link Building strategy.

5. Updating Content
Regularly updating content is an important strategy in increasing organic traffic to a website. Content that is always up-to-date, relevant, and informative has a greater potential to attract the attention of search engines and visitors. By identifying and updating existing content, websites can adapt information to current developments and industry trends.

The content update process involves revisiting existing material, adding new information, or making improvements to maintain quality. In addition, changes in search engine algorithms make it important to ensure that content remains compliant with the latest rules and meets SEO standards. Updates can also involve adjusting keywords to match current search trends, increasing the likelihood that content will appear in relevant search results.

It is important to provide added value to users through content updates, whether it is adding more in-depth information, interesting graphics, or  ao lists additional useful resources.

6. Increase Website Speed

Website speed is a critical factor in improving organic traffic and overall user experience. Online visitors tend to abandon sites that take a long time to load, and search engines also rank sites that provide a fast and efficient user experience better. Therefore, improving website speed is a strategy that cannot be ignored.

The first step to improving website speed is to optimize images, reduce file sizes, and use efficient formats. Choosing a good host can also play a significant role, as fast hosting services can speed up page load times. Additionally, configuring cache and reducing the number of HTTP requests can help optimize website performance.

. Regular maintenance, including updating themes and plugins, and removing unnecessary or outdated elements, also helps maintain website speed.

By prioritizing website speed, sites can provide a better user experience, rank better in search engines, and ultimately, attract more organic traffic. Website speed is not just a technical factor, but also key to ensuring that visitors can easily and happily interact with the content presented.

After reading the article above, you will understand better why SEO optimization is important in increasing sales. Want your website to have 10 thousand monthly traffic? Come on, contact us immediately.

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