The eyes are a powerful means of transmitting intentions

Let’s see some elements to consider when we speak through a camera, whether we are teachers or employees, whether we have to sell services or explain the content of a document.

Activate the camera

Among us there are shy people, others insecure, others reserv, and that’s fine . But when by virtue of these personal characteristics we prefer to avoid activating the camera in favor of our own still photo or, even worse, returning to others a neutral or background image, thinking: ” it’s the audio that counts anyway “,  we start from a huge disadvantage .

There is nothing more  whatsapp data embarrassing and unpleasant than communicating with a person who you don’t know what they are doing while you are speaking, or whose expression you can’t see while you are listening.

Basic Tips for Good Nonverbal Communication Online

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In many meetings, often only the speaker and very few others listening have the camera active,  while everyone else has it turn off .

Anyone who hides their words, except when it is their turn to speak, is communicating that they certainly have something else going on at that moment that they don’t want you to know about.

Almost certainly, if we ask, it  revizija ključnih riječi može vam pomoći will be  work , or  emergencies , but  the impression that will be given back to others will not be positive , and will not contribute to shortening the numerous distances that exist between the participants of the meeting.

Look towards the camera  position of our interlocutor 

We are us to looking at the face of agb directory  the person we are talking to. , interests and moods, and through eye contact we “touch” the deepest and most sensitive part of ourselves.

Looking at the camera is equivalent to transmitting our face onto the other person’s screen while looking at it, and this  offers an immiate impact of involvement in the conversation and interest.

Can’t grasp this concept? Let’s try to answer this question: what happens if someone is talking to us and looks at the window or stops to observe someone else? I don’t think anyone would have a pleasant feeling.  Having a “distract” interlocutor through the screen gives the same kind of feeling.

3. Uncover the face if possible

In this period, many people work in offices with masks because they are in the presence of other colleagues. If we add the mask or any other element that covers the face (scarves, extra-large collars, blankets) 

If you connect in a cold room, you may be tempt to remain half-hidden by your blanket or scarf or sweater (hoping to be able to give up the hat), and even in this case we hide an important part of ourselves that will not help us to reach the desir communicative message.

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