What is Content Marketing? 7 content marketing steps teaching and example sharing

What is Content In recent years, Content Marketing has gradually emerg in Hong Kong. More and more companies have begun to pay attention to content marketing, and Content. MKT-relat jobs are becoming more and more popular in the workplace.

Facing the continuous advancement of digital marketing and artificial intelligence (AI). If you want to stand out in the competitive marketing market, every marketing link nes. To use the concept of content marketing for assistance and bonus.

What exactly is content marketing?

This article will take you through the definition, history, and comparison. With traditional marketing to understand what content marketing is from the beginning.

(1) Content Marketing What is content marketing? Learn the definition of content marketing from history!
Content Marketing is call content marketing in Chinese. What is Content but it is call “content marketing” in Taiwan.

Content Marketing。
Bas on the above definition of Content Marketing, we can subdivide content marketing into three key points for explanation:

Content : From the perspective of “audience nes

Produce valuable, high-quality and attractive content, and disseminate it through various forms or platforms.
Marketing : The focus is on “delivering information” and using subtle communication methods. What is Content to influence the audience’s thinking or ideas about brands and products, thereby achieving the final conversion goal of the enterprise.
Audience (TA, Target Audience) : The potential consumers of the enterprise are the communication targets for content marketing.
Content Marketing Ahrefs instructional video: Content Marketing For Beginners: Complete Guide

Content MarketingContent Marketing History

Era Creator/Brand example
18th century Benjamin Franklin – “Poor Richard’s Almanac” Publish once a year, its main content includes valuable information, entertainment articles, weather forecasts, etc., and is regard as the ancestor of early content marketing.
19th century British novelist ward Bulwer Lytton The sentence. What is Content The pen is mightier than sword” is creat to highlight the influence of content and words.
20th century Procter & Gamble (P&G) The origin of “soap opera”: At that time, radio program serials were popular and mostly listen to by housewives, so P&G broadcast advertisements for detergents in the middle of the radio program. Over time, the dramas at that time were call soap operas, which were classic content. One of the marketing cases.

In today’s fast-pac digital landscape, the efficacy and organization of communication have become paramount. One of the critical components facilitating this communication is the phone number database. These databases serve as structur repositories, cataloging the telephone numbers of individuals and phone number database organizations, and play a pivotal role in various sectors, including business, telecommunications, and emergency services.


phone number database


Microsoft founder Bill Gates mention

In an article that content is an important part of the Internet and emphasiz the importance of high-quality content in the Internet era.
The founder of HubSpot shar the term “content marketing” and publish an article, making “content marketing” officially mexico phone number data resource enter the scope of modern digital marketing.
In the past few years, major well-known brands, such as Apple, have paid more attention to the implementation of content marketing at their press conferences, hoping to convey information while changing consumers’ minds and thereby obtaining higher sales. Convert.

(2) Sharing the advantages and disadvantages of content marketing What is Content
Content Marketing Advantages and Disadvantages What is Content

Content Marketing Advantages

Effectively ruces advertising costs : People will automatically rebel against advertising. This phenomenon can be reflect in the click-through rate of Google ads of less than 2% . Compar with the continuous high expenditure of advertising, content marketing can obtain natural traffic . Good choice.
Improve SEO ranking : If your content is deem worthy of recommendation by the Google search engine, it will help aero leads improve the ranking of the entire website. As the ranking of the website increases, the brand exposure will also increase.

Improve audience trust and loyalty What is Content

Useful content can gain the trust of the audience. Over time, when your products or services are really ne, potential audiences will think of you and gradually become loyal customers.
Expand word-of-mouth marketing : When your audience becomes loyal customers, your word-of-mouth marketing network is establish. Usually customers will take the initiative to share good things with their family and friends.
Long-term and lasting publicity effect : Compar with advertising, which suspends marketing results as soon as payment is stopp, content marketing can achieve long-term publicity effects as long as your content is valuable enough and continuously updat.

Content Marketing Disadvantages What is Content

Must be operat in the long term : Content marketing must be operat, maintain and updat for a long time, and it cannot have immiate effects like advertising.
It belongs to passive marketing : you ne to wait for the content to ferment, and you cannot take the initiative to reach potential audiences like advertising.
(3) Content marketing vs traditional marketing (traditional advertising) What is Content
In addition to understanding the advantages and disadvantages of content marketing, we can also understand the changes in the current marketing market and the importance of content marketing by comparing it with traditional marketing techniques.

What is Content content marketing Traditional Marketing/Advertising

Audience receives information initiative passive What is Content
The position of conveying information From the audience’s perspective From a business perspective
cost Relatively much lower more expensive What is Content
Effect period long term and continuous The short-term effect is high, but when advertising costs are suspend, there will be no effect.
Get an audience More accurate More scatter What is Content
Audience feelings While receiving high-quality information, build trust, which will be reflect in return visits and conversion rates in the future. Don’t like to click on ads, they are too commercial, and it is difficult to build trust for companies that are not well-known
audience satisfaction higher lower What is Content
Judgment of brand quality Word of mouth from audiences or loyal customers (word-of-mouth marketing) Enterprises unilaterally promote
In addition, with the popularity of the Internet, statistics show that 80% of consumers will go online to actively collect information before shopping . Therefore, implementing content marketing in the online world to attract active customers will not only allow more accurate information collection The audience can better reflect the value of the brand.

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