How to create the legal texts of your website

Today I want to talk to you about one of the most forgotten and neglected aspects of a website: the How to create legal texts of your website and other legal aspects. We always focus on web design, copywriting , campaigns, etc. because it’s the most fun, but… the compliance part is the last thing How to we usually think about. The objective of any website is to get traffic and then convert them into leads (potential clients) and, definitely, into clients. I always say that a website that does not have well-marked and defined objectives will not give you results. But today I want to tell you what happens or can happen when you neglect legality on your website. That boring and complicated part that no one seems to notice, neither creators nor users.

What is legality on a website

That’s what you think, but the reality is different… I just want you to think of How to create something obvious so you understand why I’m telling you this. The obvious: success and visibility go hand in hand, and greater visibility means greater risk. The least obvious: your level of legal compliance or non-compliance is just as visible. And that makes your executive data website a place exposed to constant risk. Risk of complaints, lack of trust, reputation problems, risks of avoidable claims, among others. Let’s get to it! Phases to design a website Index of contents What is legality on a website What legal texts are mandatory on a website 1. Legal notice 2. Privacy policy 3. Cookies policy 4. Contract conditions Where you should place legal pages on your website.

What legal texts are mandatory on a website How to create

What dangers do you run for not complying with the law on your website? What to do to make your website legal. Test to check if your website Bulk Lead complies with the law How to make legal texts for your website (‘The total solution’) Conclusion. What is legality on a website When we talk about a website having to comply with the law, the idea of ​​“legal nonsense” comes to mind . Those legal texts that no one seems to read (I don’t read them, at least): cookie policies and privacy. Your contract conditions, the information clauses and the happy. Checkboxes that must be placed in the contact and subscription forms, etc. All these requirements exist to give guarantees to users, so that they know who they trust with their data , so that they know their rights when subscribing, browsing or purchasing on a website safely. 

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