Balance 2022 in ‘Refreshing Business’: the year I saw my business in danger

The end of another year is coming and, as is tradition, it is time to take stock of these 12 months and see how to face the new year 2023. Last year at this point I was telling you that it had been a strange year, because I had set myself some duties that in the end I did not complete as I wanted. Until then everything is relatively normal, because I know that I am not as Balance 2022 diligent as I should be. But this year has been something to take serious note of. In order to try as much as possible to prevent it from happening again. I can say, to be honest, that the second half. Of the year has been by far the worst half since Refrescando Negocios exists.

2022 Objectives Retrospective

He had hardly any income and family expenses continued to do their job. A truly worrying situation. After having passed a global pandemic, we could already see the horizonor not? The war in Ukraine, the Kit Digital effect, the rise in prices, inflation. And the fucking hell of it! The scenario sounds. apocalyptic, yes, but the truth is that all these executive email list elements work against business. Because people do not open their wallets so easily. From the summer until the month of November (in December I managed to regain my faith). The situation in my business was so negative, that. I even started planting seeds in case I had to close the blinds , with that I tell you everything. And I say seeds that include working for others, as I tell you.The year 2021 was a strange year in many ways, as I told you here .

Web traffic 2022 vs 2021 Balance 2022

We were gradually returning to normality after Covid and the business also gradually returned to more “normal” numbers in terms of visibility, after the explosion of traffic and customers in 2020 in full confinement. Knowing this, I set the following goals for 2022: Redesign my website to make Google horny again. Give a lot of effort to the blog. In fact I had created a very clear editorial calendar. Bet on the YouTube channel and try to upload a video Bulk Lead or two a week. Focus my content efforts on affiliation. Continue attracting web services clients to maintain my main source of income. Have more free time to enjoy mine. I have met several of those objectives, but others I have either not even started or they were left half done… Not to mention the economic problem that I have already told you about. Now let’s see the details… #1 Web traffic 2022 vs 2021 At the beginning of 2022, I managed to maintain the traffic of the second half of 2021, which was not good, to be honest. 

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