If you do not collect such data

In this article you will learn, among other things: how to analyze search engine data; what tools are worth using; how to apply good UX practices; why it is worth testing different solutions. Web analytics Search engine data analysis You can start the search engine analysis by looking at the data that comes from it. This stage itself can lead to interesting observations and discoveries. You can analyze the data stor in Google Analytics.  Then unfortunately you have to postpone this stage of analysis for a few months – information on how to set up GA website search reporting can be found here.

You can use the Search terms

You can find GA data about your search engine in the Behaviors reports section under Site Search.  report. Here you will find metrics relat to Site Usage and E-commerce, such as the total number of unique searches for a term, revenue and transactions relat to it, or the value of a single search . UX cycle – analysis of the search engine and its results The data collect in Analytics can be export and us in tools where it is easier to analyze them , such as Excel, Tableau or R language more about exporting data from Google Analytics in our article . You can analyze, for Latvia Phone Number List example: Top , most frequent search terms in the last – months – which ones are performing well e.g. relat transactions, conversion rateand which are bad? What could be the reason.

Phone Number List

Do searches include dimensions

Changes in search terms – have there been any new terms in recent months? Are search terms trends changing? Efficiency of similar terms – do synonyms produce different results? Does capitalization matter? How do passwords deal with typos? User language and search engine language. Date, etc Does your search engine return results for such queries. Frequent searches Bulk Lead with poor results – maybe users can’t find the product because it’s missing.

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