We add the following scoring for

We can run a special campaign for Andrzej and contacts who are. In the same place on the path as him. The aim of which will be to invite him to participate. In an online meeting for business customers. To which customers who have already us the offer and will share. Their shopping experiences and business benefits they have achiev by using the services of the company organizing the meeting. Andrzej clicks on the link in the e-mail, which directs him to the landing page where he registers for the meeting and takes part in it.  This activity: – points for participation in the webinar Now Andrew has points. Increase the conversion in your business using an effective scoring system After the online meeting, Andrzej goes to our website with the price list.

The sales representative contacts

Then, an alert is sent from the system to the salesperson, informing that the contact with the scoring of points, after the webinar, went to the page with the price list of services.  Andrzej and arranges a telephone conversation with him, during which they will thoroughly discuss Andrzej’s business nes and offer him a favorable offer. Increase the conversion in your business using an effective scoring system After signing the contract, Andrzej becomes our client, and Germany Phone Number List we add points to him. Now he has of them, and traders know that he is already a customer and can launch a path.

Phone Number List

If it is observ that a given scoring

For him that will make him come back to us as a loyal. Customer and make complementary purchases.  e.g. equipment and accessories for conducting sauna sessions.  Test, analyze and adjust When the scoring system is ready. It is important to test it and check whether the scoring rules that we have establish. Correspond to the actual stages on the purchasing path.  Does not coincide with a stage in the sales funnel. It is worth spending time re-analysing. The most common Bulk Lead conversion paths and correcting the scoring scheme.

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