The above method is the correct

How to use categories and tags to be visible in the search engine. Way to use tags. How to mess things up? You can add words to tags without a specific plan. Which creates new pages that will not gain visibility for keywords. Example: an online bookstore creat a “book” tag: nieprzeczytane.pltagksi%C % %C %BCka How to use categories and tags to be visible in the search engine? There is a very low probability that this tag will be visible in search results. In addition, this page repeatly uses the word book on other subpages , which causes the tag page to compete with other subpages of this bookstore and keyword cannibalization occurs.

How the texts are assign

Each tag is a new subpage and you should think about. Whether you want our website to increase their number in this way. Example of incorrectly appli tags: the Przekrój website creat the tag “book. In the singular and “books. How to use categories and tags to be visible in the search engine? In this way, two identical subpages were creat, on which the articles will appear.  to a particular subpage (singular or plural) is a secret of Przekrój itors. By making the above-mention Real Mobile Phone Numbers mistakes, you can create a whole lot of subpages that will not perform any SEO function and which will be harmful.

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Tag pages do not form a hierarchical

In this way, you can create a large number of subpages that will cannibalize each other and whose content will be duplicat. Creating a large number of worthless tags. Can also result in a large number. Of subpages that will be visit unnecessarily. By the Google robot, which will waste the crawl budget, and at the same time will not bring SEO profit.  Structure. Typically, there are no Bulk Lead parent tags, as there are for categories.

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